Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Hot Pot

I saw my mom had a hot pot.
She put a shop in the hot pot.
She put a mop in the hot pot.
She put a log in the hot pot.
She put a hog in the hot pot.
I said to my mom, “Stop!”
That is an odd pot.
A pot should not have a shop, mop, log, or hog.
I did not want to see what else my mom put in the hot pot.

Odd Omelet

Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes olive omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes octagon omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes on-off omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes October omelets.

On Off Officer

On-off Officer says on, on, on!
On-off Officer says off, off, off!
On! Pick the olives!
On! Eat an omelet!
On! Be an octopus!
On! Be an ostrich!
On! Be an otter!
On! Be on ox!
Now off! The Officer says off!