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SEEL Target Texts

A Toy Top Can Twirl, Swirl, and Whirl Around

Toy tops can whirl and swirl and twirl.
Let's make four tops twirl.
We can call the tops Swirly, Twirly, Burly, and Whirly. 
Let's see which top can twirl the longest.
Turn and drop the tops to see if they will twirl.  
Which top will twirl and whirl the longest?
Will it be Swirly, Twirly, Burly, or Whirly?

Whose Turn Is It?

Whose turn is it to swirl a curl around?
It is a girl's turn.
Give it to her to swirl.
Now it is not the girl's turn to twirl a curl around.  
It's a boy's turn to twirl.
Give it to him to swirl.
Whose turn is it to twirl and whirl a top?
It is a girl's turn.
Give it to her to twirl and whirl. 
Now it is not the girl's turn to whirl a top. 
It's a boy's turn to twirl and whirl. 
Give it to him to twirl and whirl.

Give It A Whirl!

Do you think we can make water swirl?
Give it a whirl!
We tried, and we can make water swirl!
Do you think we can make a ball whirl?
Give it a whirl!
We tried, and we can make a ball whirl!
Do you think we can make a top swirl?
Give it a whirl!
We tried, and we can make a top swirl!
Give it a twirl and watch it whirl.
Do you think we can turn a ribbon to make it swirl?
Give it a whirl!
We tried, and we can make a ribbon turn!
Give it a curl and whirl it around.
There are lots of things that can whirl, twirl, and swirl.

Make Some Water Swirl 

Take a turn to swirl some water.
Let it be a girl's turn to give it a swirl.
Give it a twirl.
Let the girl give it a twirl.
Give it to her to swirl.
Let the girl turn the cup to swirl water around.  
Take a turn to swirl some water.
Let it be a boy's turn to give it a swirl.
Give it a twirl.
Let the boy give it a twirl.
Give it to him to swirl.
Let the boy turn the cup to swirl water around. 

Give It a Whirl

Whirl a curl around. 
Give it a whirl.
Give a curl a whirl.
Twirl the curl.
Give it a twirl.
Give the curl a twirl.
Swirl a curl.
Give it a swirl.
Give the curl a swirl.
Whirl, twirl, and swirl a curl.

Twirl, Swirl, and Whirl in a Circle

Twirl, swirl, and whirl around in a circle.
A girl can whirl and twirl.
Watch her whirl and twirl in a circle.
Watch her shirt twirl and swirl as she whirls and twirls.
Watch the girl twirl, swirl, and whirl around in a circle.
Twirl, swirl, and whirl around in a circle.
A boy can whirl and twirl.
Watch him whirl and twirl in a circle.
Watch his shirt twirl and swirl as he whirls and twirls.
Watch the boy twirl, swirl, and whirl around in a circle.

Make a Milkshake

Put milk and ice cream in a blender.
Let the blender blade whirl.
Listen to the blender blade whir.
Watch the milk and ice cream swirl and twirl.
Let the milk and ice cream whirl around until they swirl into a milkshake!  

Twirling and Whirling

What things like to twirl and whirl?  
Milkshakes like to twirl and whirl.
Ballerinas like to twirl.
A fan likes to whirl.
Some girls likes to twirl.
Do you like to twirl?

How Did a Girl Get Dirt on Her Shirt?

Here comes a girl with dirt on her shirt.
A dirty shirt!
How did the girl get such a dirty shirt?
She must have twirled and swirled in the dirt. 
We can squirt the shirt to get the dirt off.
We can squirt the dirt off her shirt.
Now the shirt has no dirt.
It isn't a dirty shirt.
The girl can twirl and swirl—but not in the dirt. 
Don't get dirt on your shirt!

Hey, I Got Dirt On My Shirt!

(Child 1 pretends to kick up some dirt)
Child 1:  Drat!  I got dirt on my shirt. 
              Did you get dirt on your shirt?
Child 2:  No, I didn't get dirt on my shirt.
              But, I'll get the dirt off your shirt.
              First, I'll squirt the dirt off your shirt! 
(Child 2 pretends to squirt the shirt)
Child 1: You got the dirt off my shirt!
(Child 2 steps toward child 1 and twirls in excitement, getting dirt on her skirt)
Child 2:  Hey, when I twirl and swirl, I get dirt on my                   skirt!
Child 1:  You got dirt on your skirt?
Child 2:  Yes, I got dirt on my skirt.
Child 1:  I can get the dirt off your skirt.  
             Hold still. Stand firm and don't squirm.
             I can squirt the dirt off your skirt. 
(Child 1 pretends to squirt water from a bottle)
Child 1:  See, I got dirt off your skirt!
Child 2:  You did!  You got the dirt off my skirt!
              Now we can whirl, twirl, and swirl to shake off               the water and dirt.
(Child 1 and Child 2 whirl, twirl, and swirl around)