Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Make Room for Goop

Make room for gooey goop!
Do you choose to make goo?
Do you choose to make gooey goop?
Add water to cornstarch or flour and poof!  
Soon you will have goo and goop!
Is the goop not gooey yet? Boo hoo!
Mix up the goo and goop.
Scoop up some goo.  
Spoon the goop and make it droop off the spoon.
Give a hoot and a toot for goop and gloop.
Woo-hoo! We have gooey goop!

A Stew with a Slew of Screws

We made a stew with a slew of screws.
It was a stew that could feed a crew.
We put screws in our stew.
We put in a slew of screws.
Anything new in the stew?
We threw in a few new screws.
We threw in a few screws that we drew.
It was a stew with a slew of screws.
The stew grew and grew and grew.
It was a stew big enough to feed a crew.
But screws are things you can’t chew.
We can’t chew the things in this stew.
We threw the stew out in the yard and the stew and screws flew all over the place!

A Moose and a Goose on the Loose

Oh no! A moose is loose!
It’s not easy to have a moose on the loose.
There’s no room to have a moose on the loose.
A moose on the loose will just zoom around the room.
Did someone goof and let the goose loose?
It’s not easy having a goose on the loose.
There’s not enough room to have a goose on the loose.
A goose on the loose will just zoom around the room.
Oh no! The goose chases the moose.
And then the moose chases the goose.
There’s not enough room for a moose to chase a goose!
It’s not fun having a moose and a goose run loose.

Let a Moose and Goose Stay Loose

A moose and a goose got loose.
We wanted to get the moose back in its pen.
We wanted to get the goose back in its pen.
But it was no use.
We let the moose stay loose.
We let the goose stay loose.
We hope that the moose does not chase the goose. 

What Would You Do with a Moose and a Goose on the Loose?

A moose and a goose got loose.
What would you choose to do?
Could you make the moose go poof?
Could you make the goose go poof?
Would you let the moose stay loose?
Would you let the goose stay loose?
I’d let the moose and goose run loose.
And I’d take a snooze!

Zoom and Boom

Make room for cars to race in the room.
Start the cars!
Race the cars around the room.
The cars zoom around the room.
Uh-oh! Boom!
Two cars crash.
What gloom and doom!
Now the cars cannot zoom around the room!

Who Says Boo?

A ghost says, boo.
Can you say boo too?
A cow says, moo.
Can you say moo too?
A dove says, coo.
Can you say coo too?

Make Loops Droop

You can make a lot of loops droop.
Make a chain of loops.
Loop together lots of loops.
Loop the two ends of the chain of loops together to make a circle.
Hang the loops by one loop, and the circle of loops will droop.  
Use the loop of string to hang the chain of loops.
The loops will droop!

Scoop Up Loops

Look! Loops are piled up in a hoop.
Choose some loops to swoop up. Swoop and stoop down.
Scoop up loops!  Swoosh!
Don’t let the loops get loose!
How many loops can you scoop up?

Wahoo! I Like to Zoom Around Too!

I like it when my car goes zoom.
I like to hear my car go vroom.
I like it when my car goes whoosh!
I like to hear my horn go toot toot.
I do not like it when I get in mucky, goopy goo.
I do not like it when I hear kaboom.
I only like it when my car goes zoom.
Wahoo! I like that too!
I like it when your car goes zoom too!