Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

On the Dock

There once was a boy named Jack.
He wanted to have a snack.
He put on sunblock
And went to the dock,
And ate the snack in his sack.
There once was a boy named Rick.
Who liked to carry a stick.
He went to the dock
And sat on a rock
And threw in his stick; he’s quick.

Tick Tock Chant

Tick tock goes the clock.
Quick! Quick!
Pick up!
Pick up socks, locks, and rocks.
Pick up bricks and sticks.
Tick tock goes the clock.

Pack the Sack Chant

Pack a sack with bricks.
Pack a sack with rocks.
Pack a sack with sticks.
Pack a sack with socks.
Check the sack.
Does it have bricks, sticks, socks, and rocks?
Is the sack packed?
Is it packed?

Tick Tock Goes the Clock

Tick, tick, tick
The clock ticks on.
Tick tock, tick tock.
The clock ticks on.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tocktick
What a mess!
Quick, quick!
Pick up the mess.
Blocks and socks.
Sticks and bricks.
Rocks and locks.
Ding! Is it all picked up?