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Strings and Streamers Are All Over the Street

We took a stroll down a street streaming streamers.
But the streamers had strings and strands.
And the strings and strands fell on the street.
By the end of our stroll, there were strings and strands all over the street!
We had to pick up the strings, strands, and streamers.
Now we have a street without strings, strands, or streamers.

A Goat Moans and Groans

There once was a goat with a great big load.
It carried a coat, a cloak, a boat, and some soap.
The goat moaned and groaned about its load.
It wanted to get home to soak in a foamy soapy bath and float its boat.
Along came a friend who helped the goat to carry the load.
The goat no longer moaned and groaned .
From that day on, the goat boasted about its best friend who helped with the load.