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Cram Crackers in Bags
Cram crackers into crinkly, crackly bags.
Crack crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crushed and crumbled crackers turn into crumbs.
How crazy to crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags!
Crack crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crushed and crumbled crackers turn into crumbs.
How crazy to crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags!
Crunch and Crack
Some bags crinkle and crackle.
Some crackers come in bags that crinkle and crackle.
Crackers crammed in bags that crinkle and crackle can crack.
Crackers crushed in bags that crinkle and crackle make crumbs.
Crunchy crackers make crumbs when crunched.
Some crackers come in bags that crinkle and crackle.
Crackers crammed in bags that crinkle and crackle can crack.
Crackers crushed in bags that crinkle and crackle make crumbs.
Crunchy crackers make crumbs when crunched.
Crunching crackers from crinkly bags can be lots of fun!
Crunchy Crackers
Crunchy crackers crunch.
Crunchy crackers crack.
Crunchy crackers crumble.
Crispy crackers crunch.
Crispy crackers crack.
Crispy crackers crumble.
Crushing crispy, crunchy crackers makes many crumbly crumbs!
Crunchy crackers crack.
Crunchy crackers crumble.
Crispy crackers crunch.
Crispy crackers crack.
Crispy crackers crumble.
Crushing crispy, crunchy crackers makes many crumbly crumbs!
Crazy Cracker Crumb Creation
How to make a cracker crumb creation:
Crunch and crack crackers in a crinkly wrapper.
Crush and crumble the crackers into crumbs.
Cram the crumbs into a cup to make a crust.
Cram cream over the crust.
Create a crazy cracker crumb creation!
Crunch and crack crackers in a crinkly wrapper.
Crush and crumble the crackers into crumbs.
Cram the crumbs into a cup to make a crust.
Cram cream over the crust.
Create a crazy cracker crumb creation!
Crinkle and Crackle
Some things are crinkly.
Some things are crackly.
Some things are crunchy.
Crinkle something to make a crinkly sound.
Crush something to make a crunchy sound.
Crack something to make a crackly sound.
It’s fun to make things crinkle, crackle, and crunch!
Some things are crackly.
Some things are crunchy.
Crinkle something to make a crinkly sound.
Crush something to make a crunchy sound.
Crack something to make a crackly sound.
It’s fun to make things crinkle, crackle, and crunch!