Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Strut and Stroll along the Street

Look! A street!
Let’s strut down the street streaming our streamers.
Let’s stretch as we strut down the street with streamers.
Let’s take large steps as we stride down the street.
Let’s stroll down the straight street with streamers.
We can strut, stretch, stride, and stroll down the street with streamers.

Streaming Streamers

Streamers! Streamers!
Streaming streamers!
Strolling with streamers.
Stretching streamers.
Struggling to pull straggling strands and strings from streamers.
Strutting down a street with streamers.
Strolling and strutting with streaming streamers is lots of fun!

Strut and Stride Down the Street

Look! A straight street!
Let’s strut down the straight street.
Look! A street that is not straight!
Let’s stroll down the street that is not straight.
Look! A striped street!
Let’s take large steps as we stride down the striped street.
Look! A street that is strewn with strings!
Let’s stream streamers down the street that is strewn with strings.
We can strut, stroll, and stride down a street.

Rip Cloth into Strips and Strands

We can rip some cloth to make strips.
We need to be strong to make the strips.
It’s a struggle to rip cloth into strips!
We can pull on the strips of cloth to make strands and strings.
But be careful not to strew strands and strings all over the place!

Make Strips and Straps from Paper

Straps can be made with strips of paper.
Rip paper into strips to make straps.
Put stripes on the straps.
Put the straps with stripes on bags or boxes.
It’s fun to make straps with stripes from strips of paper.

Strings and Streamers Are All Over the Street

We took a stroll down a street streaming streamers.
But the streamers had strings and strands.
And the strings and strands fell on the street.
By the end of our stroll, there were strings and strands all over the street!
We had to pick up the strings, strands, and streamers.
Now we have a street without strings, strands, or streamers.