Multiple Target Texts by Category
SEEL Target Texts
A Hen Gave Away Ten Pens
All Hens Got a Pen
Ten Hens in a Pen
Ben and Ken are men.
Ben and Ken have ten hens.
Ben puts Jen the hen in the hen pen.
Ben puts Len the hen in the hen pen.
Ben puts Glen the hen in the hen pen.
Ben puts Gwen the hen in the hen pen.
Ben puts Ren the hen in the hen pen.
Ken puts Bren the hen in the hen pen.
Ken puts Fen the hen in the hen pen.
Ken puts Zen the hen in the hen pen.
Ken puts Ben the hen in the hen pen.
Ken puts Sen the hen in the hen pen.
The men put all ten hens in the pen!
Now the ten hens can live in a pen.
Ten Men Named Ben and Ken
We wrote the names Ken and Ben with a pen.
We wrote Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken.
We wrote Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.
We put a tag on Ben.
And We put a tag on another Ben and another Ben,
and another Ben and another Ben!
We put a tag on Ken.
And We put a tag on another Ken, and another Ken,
and another Ken, and another Ken!
We had five men named Ben.
We had five men named Ken.
Five Bens and five Kens make ten men!
Let Ten Pens Write a 10
Can you write with ten pens?
Get ten pens.
Let the ten pens write ‘ten’.
Let the ten pens write 10.
Can the ten pens make a bed?
Can the ten pens make a hen?
Can the ten pens make a web?