Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Can You Run?

Can you run?
Run for a sun.
Can you run?
Run for a bun.
Pick up a sun.
Pick up a bun.
Run, run, run for a sun or a bun.
Drop the sun.
Drop the bun.
Drop the sun or the bun and say,
“It’s fun to run!” 

Spun for Fun

You spun and got to say the word “Run.”
A friend spun and got to say the word “Sun.”
Another friend spun and got to say the word “Bun.”
Everyone spun and spun and spun.
Did anyone  get to say the word “Fun”?
If you did not get to say the word “Fun,” you still spun for fun!

How to Play the Run to the Sun Game

Would you like to run, run to the sun?
It’s a lot of fun to find words that end in -un.
Find -un words as you run to the sun.
Pick up a small sun card.
See if you get to run.
The small sun may say to go one space— 
one space closer to the great big sun.
Pick up a small sun card.
See if you get to run.
Run to the words that end in -un.
When you run to the sun, you’re done.

Run to the Sun

Would you like to run, run to the sun?
It’s a lot of fun to find words that end in un.
Find -un words as you run to the sun.

Pick up a sun card.
See if you get to run.
Run to the big sun.

Get a sun card.
Now run to the words that end in un.
Run, run to the sun!