crumbly cracker crust
Crumbly Cracker Crust
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- cracker
- crumb
- crust
- cream
- crunch
- Graham crackers
- Cream (pudding or whipped topping)
- Paper cups
- Food labels and word cards
- Crazy Cracker Crumb Creation target text
- Sticky notes/small pieces of paper
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a crumbly cracker crust and read and write words with the /cr/ blend, such as cracker, crumb, crust, cream, crush, crunch.
Literacy Activities
Make crumbly cracker crust
- Write the word crust on the board, underline the /cr/ blend, and explain that the letters c and r together make the /cr/ sound.
- Bring out crackers in crinkly, crackly wrappers and comment on the crackly sound.
- Let the children crack, crumble, crush, and crunch crackers into paper cups.
- Explain that the crumbs from the crushed crackers make a crust.
- Line up the crackers, crumbs (in a cup), crust (in a cup), and cream.
- Read the food labels with the children then invite them to place each label by the corresponding food item.
- Scoop cream into the cups and call it a crazy cracker crumb creation.
- Allow the children to eat their creation (optional).
Make a crisscross path of crumbs
- Read the word cards with the children.
- Let the children crumple each word card into a ball.
- Have the children pretend that the crumpled paper balls are crumbs and help them make a crisscross path around the room using the crumbs.
- Tell the children to gather the crumbs and have them take turns opening up the paper ball crumbs and reading their word.
- Have the children write words that begin with /cr/ (e.g., cram, crack, crush, crunch, crust, crumb, cream) on small pieces of paper or sticky notes.
- Repeat the activity using the children’s word cards (optional).
More Practice
Read target words in texts
- Engage the children in reading the text Crazy Cracker Crumb Creation together with the group.
- Have the children make a list of the /cr/ words from the text.
- Read the text again, fading support.
Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Make a word wall with words from the activity that begin with the /cr/ blend, such as cram, crack, crush, crunch, crackle, crust, crumb, cream, crazy, creation.
- Invite the children to write about what they did with the cracker crumbs using words from the word wall (i.e., I crush and cram cracker crumbs.)
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SEEL Target Texts
Crazy Cracker Crumb Creation
How to make a cracker crumb creation:
Crunch and crack crackers in a crinkly wrapper.
Crush and crumble the crackers into crumbs.
Cram the crumbs into a cup to make a crust.
Cram cream over the crust.
Create a crazy cracker crumb creation!
Crunch and crack crackers in a crinkly wrapper.
Crush and crumble the crackers into crumbs.
Cram the crumbs into a cup to make a crust.
Cram cream over the crust.
Create a crazy cracker crumb creation!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Crumbly Cracker Crust