Crunch and Crack

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- crush
- crumb
- crack
- crunch
- cracker
- crinkle
- Crackers
- Bags that crackle (e.g., cracker or cereal box liner, grocery bag, paper bag)
- Crate or box to serve as crate (optional)
- Word cards*
- Cram Crackers in Bags target text*
- Crunch and Crack target text*
- Crunchy Crackers target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will crack and crush crackers as they read and write words spelled with /cr/ such as crack, crush, crunch, cram, crinkle, and crumb.
Literacy Activities
Cram crackers into a crackly bag
- Allow the children to cram, crack, and crush crackers in a crate or crinkly, crackly bag.
- Ask the children to write the letters /cr/ from dictation.
- Read the Cram Crackers in Bags text (see below)
- With the children’s help, list words that start with /cr/.
- Comment on how cracked and crushed crackers leave crumbs in a crackly, crinkly bag or crate.
Cram words into crackly bags
- Read the word cards (see below) with the children.
- Let the children crinkle the word cards and cram them into crackly bags.
- Have the children use crayons to write the words cram, crack, crush, crunch, crinkle and crumb.
- Invite the children to crinkle and cram the papers into the crate or crackly bag.
Read target words in texts
- Engage the children in reading the Crunch and Crack text (see below) together with the group.
- Have the children make a list of the words from the text spelled with /cr/.
- Read the text again, fading support.
- Repeat with Crunch Crackers (see below).
Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Assist the children in making a word wall of /cr/ words.
- Review the words on the word wall.
- Invite the children to write about what they did with the crackly bags using words from the word wall.
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SEEL Target Texts
Cram Crackers in Bags
Cram crackers into crinkly, crackly bags.
Crack crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crushed and crumbled crackers turn into crumbs.
How crazy to crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags!
Crack crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags.
Crushed and crumbled crackers turn into crumbs.
How crazy to crush crackers in crinkly, crackly bags!
Crunch and Crack
Some bags crinkle and crackle.
Some crackers come in bags that crinkle and crackle.
Crackers crammed in bags that crinkle and crackle can crack.
Crackers crushed in bags that crinkle and crackle make crumbs.
Crunchy crackers make crumbs when crunched.
Some crackers come in bags that crinkle and crackle.
Crackers crammed in bags that crinkle and crackle can crack.
Crackers crushed in bags that crinkle and crackle make crumbs.
Crunchy crackers make crumbs when crunched.
Crunching crackers from crinkly bags can be lots of fun!
Crunchy Crackers
Crunchy crackers crunch.
Crunchy crackers crack.
Crunchy crackers crumble.
Crispy crackers crunch.
Crispy crackers crack.
Crispy crackers crumble.
Crushing crispy, crunchy crackers makes many crumbly crumbs!
Crunchy crackers crack.
Crunchy crackers crumble.
Crispy crackers crunch.
Crispy crackers crack.
Crispy crackers crumble.
Crushing crispy, crunchy crackers makes many crumbly crumbs!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Crunch and Crack