Splat, Spray, and Sprinkle

Splat, Spray, and Sprinkle

Splat, Spray, and Sprinkle
Target text


Read, write, and identify words beginning with the /sp/ blend.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • splat
  • splash
  • splatter
  • splat
  • sprinkle
  • spray


  • Construction paper
  • Plastic drop cloth or large plastic sack cut open to use as a drop cloth
  • Spray bottles with water and small bowls with little bits of water
  • Paint (use dry paint and add water or use liquid tempera paint) and paintbrushes
  • Salt (in salt shakers, bowls, or cups)
  • Markers
  • Splash and Spray to Make Splotches target text

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make art by spraying, sprinkling, splashing, and sploshing water on paint and that they will read and write words that begin with /sp/: splat, splash, splatter, splotch, sprinkle, spray, spread.

Literacy Activities
Create art using water splotches

  • Set out construction paper and little bowls of water on a sheet of plastic.
  • Have the children write splish-splash-slosh on the paper. Tell them they will have a splendid time as they splash, splat, and spray water to make splotches.
  • Let the children spray, splash, and splat water on the words to create splotches.

Create art using paint splotches

  • Set out construction paper, brushes, paint, and salt on a drop cloth or plastic sack.
  • Have the children sprinkle paint onto the paper with a brush then let them splat and splatter paint onto the paper.
  • Let the children sprinkle salt onto the paper and spread the salt with a paint brush.
  • Have the children spray water onto the paper to spread the splotches of paint and salt.

Create art using marker splotches

  • Set out construction paper, markers, and a spray bottle on a drop cloth or large plastic sack.
  • Have the children use markers to write words that begin with /sp/ on the construction paper (i.e., splat, splash, splat, spray, spread, sprinkle).
  • Let the children spray the words to make splotches.
  • Let the children splatter, sprinkle, and spread the splotches of color with water.

More Practice
Read target words in a text

  • Engage the children in reading Splash and Spray to Make Splotches as a group.
  • Have the children make a list of the words that begin with /sp/.
  • Read the text again, fading support.

Write about the activity using target words/patterns

  • Give each child a paper and pencil and let them write about the art they made. Have them include some of these words: splat, splash, splat, splatter, splotch, splendid, splosh, splat, sprinkle, spread, spray, splish-splash-splosh.
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SEEL Target Texts

Sprinkle and Splash to Make Splotches

How to make splatter art:
Splat, sprinkle or spray some water on paper to make splotches.
Sprinkle some paint on the splotches.
Spread the paint in the splotches.
Sprinkle some salt on the splotches.
Make art by sprinkling, splashing, sploshing, and spraying water.
Splish! Splash! Splosh!
What splendid art made from splashes and splotches!
Read More


SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
