Spout, Sponge, and Spot

Read, write, and identify words beginning with the /sp/ blend.
Read and write words with multiple meanings as a noun or verb (e.g. spout, sponge, spot).
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- spin
- split
- sprinkle
- splat
- spool
- space
- /sp/ objects: spouts (cut off the tops of water bottles), spots (paper circles), spools (empty thread spools), spoons, spatulas, sponges
- Water bottles and a container of water
- /sp/ commands (see sentence strips)
- Word cards
- Things to Do with Spouts and Spots
- Spin Spouts and Sprinkle Spots
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children they will practice reading and writing words that begin with /sp/: spill, splash, spin, spout, spoon, spot, spool, spray, splat, space.
Literacy Activities
Play with different meanings of words
- Demonstrate that some words can be nouns (stand for things) and some can be verbs (stand for actions).
- Squeeze a water bottle to make the water spout out (action) and then show a spout cut out from a water bottle (thing).
- Spoon water out of a container (action) then point to and label a spoon (thing).
- Sponge (action) up spilled water then point to and label a sponge (thing).
- Scatter paper spots (thing) around the room then look around to spot (action) the spots.
Act out commands using actions and things that start with /sp/
- Set out objects that begin with /sp/ (e.g., spots, spouts, sponge, spoon, spatula, spools, spray bottle).
- Have the children choose sentence strips and help them read the commands on the strips.
- Let the children act out the commands on the sentence strips using the objects (e.g., Spin a spool. Spin a spout. Sprinkle some spools. Sprinkle some spots. Spoon spots onto a space. Splat a sponge with a spatula. Sprinkle some spots on spools).
Split words that start with /sp/
- Help the children read word cards showing words from the activity that start with /sp/.
- Let the children split the words by cutting or tearing off the /sp/ at the beginning of each word.
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Engage the children in reading Things to Do with Spouts and Spots as a group.
- Ask the children to listen for words that begin with /sp/ as you read the text together.
- Have the children make a list of the words that begin with /sp/.
- Read the text again, fading support.
- Repeat with the text Spin Spouts and Sprinkle Spots.
Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Give each child a paper and pencil and let them write about what they did with the /sp/ objects and actions using water. Have them include some of these words: spin, split, spot, spool, space, spatula, sponge, spout, spoon, sprinkle.
SEEL Target Texts
Things to Do with Spouts and Spots
I can spin a spout in a space.
I can watch water spout out of a spout.
I can sprinkle spots in spaces.
I can spot spots around the room.
I can spin a spout in water to make water spots.
I can spoon water into a spout and onto a spot.
I can sponge up water spots made by spouts and spoons.
I love to play with spouts and spots!
Spin Spouts and Sprinkle Spots
Did it stop on a spot?
Did it stop in a space?
Spill spots.
Did they spill in a space?
Did they spill on a spot?
Spoon spouts.
Did the spouts go splat on a spot?
Did the spouts go splat in a space?
Sprinkle spots.
Did the spots land on a spot?
Did the spools land in a space?
Did the spots spread all over the place?
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Spout, Sponge, and Spot