Special Sports

Special Sports
Target text


Read, write, and identify words beginning with the /sp/ blend.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • sport
  • special
  • spy
  • speed
  • spin
  • spot


  • Colored circle stickers
  • Spoons
  • Masking Tape
  • Spots 
  • Specks that sparkle (glitter or any sparkly paper or object or sprinkles that go on cupcakes) (optional)
  • Water
  • sponges
  • Spouts (top of a water bottle cut off to be a spout)
  • Spray water bottle
  • Special Sports List target text 

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that today they are going to play some special sports as they practice words beginning with the /sp/ sound.

Literacy Activities
Special Sports

Divide children into eight groups and have them rotate through the eight special sport centers:

  1. Spiders that spring up
    • Have the children move like jumping spiders that spring up high to catch a bug.
  2. Spy a spot and spin on it
    • Put dots on the floor and let the children use their hands as binoculars to spy the spots.
    • Let the children sprint to the spots and spin on the spots.
  3. Speed speak
    • Pick a short rhyme or tongue twister and see which child can say it the fastest.
  4. Spoons that spill only on spots
    • Give each child a spoon with specks of spots or sprinkles or sparkles inside to balance on a finger or nose.
    • Let the children see if they can spill the spots or sprinkles only in certain spots.
  5. Spin on a space
    • Use masking tape to make a small circle on the ground and have each child spin in the space.
  6. Sprint to a special space or spot
    • Have the children start at a space and sprint to a certain spot. Comment on their speed: “Sprinters are speedy.”
  7. Splash and spill water and sponge it up
    • Let one child splash water and see how speedily two children can sponge it up.
    • Have teams compete to see who is the speediest in sponging up the water.
  8. Spray water out of a spout and sponge it up
    • Spray water in spouts on spots or spaces and see who can be speedy in sponging up the water.

More Practice
Write target words

  • List the special sports on the board, emphasizing the /sp/ sound.
  • Have the children write down what their favorite special sport was and why.
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SEEL Target Texts

Special Sports

* Spin on a spot or in a space
* Be spiders that spring up high
* Spy a spot and spin on it
* Be speedy as you speak
* Spill specks from spoons only on spots
* Spill or spray water and be speedy in
sponging it up
* Sprint to a spot
Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
