Shadows of Ships and Shapes

Associate the sh digraph with the /sh/ sound and recognize the /sh/ sound in words.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- ship
- show
- shape
- shine
- shoe
- shark
- shadow
- Flashlight
- Toilet paper roll
- Shapes*
- Plastic wrap or sandwich bag
- Example picture of the Make shadows of shapes activity*
- Shadows of objects that begin with /sh/*
- Shadows of objects that don’t begin with /sh/*
- Shadows of Shapes target text*
- A Shadow of a Show target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
The children will play with shadows and shapes and will recognize the initial /sh/ sound in words, such as shark, ship, shirt, and shorts.
Literacy Activities
Make shadow shapes
- Choose a child to pick a picture of a shadow of an object that begins with /sh/ (see below).
- Have the child identify the /sh/ shadow (i.e., “This shadow is in the shape of a ship. This is a shadow of a shoe.”).
- Hold the /sh/ objects in front of a flashlight to make a shadow.
- Say “This is a shadow of a ___(e.g., ship, shoe).”
Identify shadows that begin with /sh/ and ones that do not
- Make shadows using /sh/ and non-/sh/ pictures (see below).
- Make a T-chart with two columns labeled sh and no sh.
- Ask the children if each shadow starts with sh.
- Invite a child to place the shadow under the correct column.
- Write additional words that begin with /sh/ sound in the sh column.
- Comment on the pictures on the T-chart (i.e., “That is a ship. Ship starts with the /sh/ sound.”).
More Practice
Make shadows of shapes
- Show the cut out shapes (found below) to the children (e.g., circle, square, triangle).
- Shine a light on the shapes to make shadows of the shapes.
- Shine a light through a toilet paper roll that has plastic wrap with a cut out shape attached to it on the other end (see example photo below).
- Have the children chant:
“A shadow of a shape. A shadow of a shape.
Shine light on a shape to make a shadow of a shape.
A shadow of a shape. A shadow of a shape.
Shine light on a shape to make a shadow of a shape.”
- Read the Shadows of Shapes target text to the children.
- Read the target text again, but this time have the children take turns shining the flashlight everytime they hear a word that starts with the /sh/ sound.
Read target words
- Read sentences to the children and have them raise their hands or circle the words that begin with the /sh/ sound.
- She shopped for shorts, shirts, and shoes.
- The shepherd sheared shaggy sheep.
- The shed was in shambles.
- The ship shook as it shoved away from shore.
- The shoddy shack shook.
- She shook at the shrill shriek.
- Shoo the sheep away from the shed.
- The shark shook the ship.
- Shovel the shells off the shore.
- Shift the shelf from the shack to the shed.
- Share the shampoo with the sheep.
- You should shampoo the shaggy sheepdog.
- She should share her sheet with the shivering sheepdog.
- Shush—don’t shout when you shuffle and shift into the shade.
- Shove the sharp shovel into the shack.
- Show the shopper that the shop is in shambles.
- Shine the shoes and shift them on the shelf.
- She shut the shop when the shoes shipped off.
Write sh to go with words that start with the /sh/ sound
- Display the shadows of objects that begin with /sh/.
- Label the pictures.
- Have the children write the words that go with the pictures. Accept invented spelling but ensure that the sh is used.
Identify sh in a target text
- Display the A Shadow of a Shoe target text and read it to the children.
- Read the target text again and have the children circle words that start with sh.
SEEL Target Texts
A Shadow of a Shoe
Shadows of Shapes
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Shadows of Ships and Shapes