Cloth and Thread

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- moth
- thin
- path
- both
- cloth
- thick
- thread
- Thimble or finger-sized bottle caps to serve as thimbles
- Picture of a thimble*
- Cloth or a picture of cloth*
- Picture of a moth*
- Thick and thin thread or a picture of thread*
- Word cards*
- Signs that include words with th*
- Moth on the Cloth target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
The children will set up a booth that sells cloth and threads and will read and write words spelled with th, such as moth, thread, thick, thin, cloth, booth, path, and thimble.
Literacy Activities
Set up a booth that sells cloth, thread, and thimbles
- Write thread and cloth on the board and explain that the th makes the /th/ sound.
- Designate a table to be a booth that sells cloth, thread, and thimbles.
- Set up a path to the booth with the signs (found below) along the way.
- Help the children make signs to label the cloth, thin thread, thick thread, and thimbles.
- Set out cloth, thick and thin thread, and thimbles (real items or pictures found below) with the labels the children made.
- Pretend to have a moth (picture found below) come to the booth and explain that moths sometimes eat cloth.
- Let the children shoo away the moth by swatting it with pieces of cloth.
Sell cloth, thread, and thimbles
- Place out the sign that says Path to the booth! (found below).
- Set out the thimbles, thick and thin threads, and cloth.
- Allow the children to come to the booth to buy cloth, thick and thin thread, and thimbles.
- Demonstrate how thread can be threaded through a needle and how a thimble can be used to push the needle and thread into cloth.
- Invite the children to pretend to thread their needles and push their needle and thread into their cloth.
- Point out that the words thimble, thick thread, and thin thread start with the /th/ sound.
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Read the Moth on a Cloth target text (found below) to the children.
- Have the children underline the words spelled with th in the target text.
- Engage the children in reading the text with you.
- Read the text again, fading support.
- Have the children list the words from the text spelled with th.
Write about the activity using target words and patterns
- Have the children draw a moth and a cloth, then, under the drawing, ask the children to write “I see a moth on a cloth.”
- Help the children to create a word wall with words spelled with th.
- Have the children write sentences about their experience with the booth using words from the word wall (e.g., “I can buy thick and thin thread.”).
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SEEL Target Texts
Moth on a Cloth
A cloth!
Cloth is made of threads—thin threads or thick threads.
But, be careful with your cloth!
Because moths like cloth.
A moth likes to eat cloth.
A moth will eat thick threads.
A moth will eat thin threads.
A moth can eat your cloth!
A Booth Sells Cloth and Thread
Follow a path to a booth that sells cloth.
At the booth, they sell things that go with cloth.
There will be thin thread and thick thread at the booth.
There will be thimbles sold at the booth.
The thimbles and thread both go with the cloth.
You need cloth, thimbles, and thread to sew a bathrobe.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Cloth and Thread