Three or Thirteen Things

Three or Thirteen Things
Target text


Recognize and associate the th digraph with the /th/ sound in words.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • thing
  • think
  • three
  • thorn
  • thirty
  • thirteen
  • thousand


  • Pictures of three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand th things*
  • Picture cards with /th/ words*
  • Printed numerals for three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand*
  • Think of That target text*
  • Thankful for a Thing target text*
  • Three, Thirteen, Thirty, and a Thousand target text*

*Items included below. 

The children will guess what three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand things look like and associate the th digraph with the /th/ sound.  

Literacy Activities
Think of a number

  • Display the words three, thirteen, thirty, and thousand.
  • Tell the children that you will think of one of those numbers.
  • Let the children guess the number you are thinking of.

Tell three from thirteen, thirty, and a thousand objects

  • Say, “I know of numbers that begin with the /th/ sound: three, thirteen, thirty, and thousand.”
  • Ask the children to think about what three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand things (e.g., thimbles, thumbtacks, thorns) would look like.
  • Display the pictures of three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand th things (see below). 
  • Ask the children which of the pictures depict three, thirteen, thirty, or a thousand things.

Think of things

  • Ask children to guess if they would need three, thirteen, thirty, or a thousand things in the following situations:  
    • pieces of candy to share with the children in the class.
    • chairs that are in the school.
    • cars that are in the school parking lot.
    • computers that are in our classroom.
    • books that are in the classroom.
    • books that are in the school.  
  • Read the Think of That target text (found below) to the children.
  • Display the picture cards with the /th/ words (found below) on the board.
  • Invite one child to think of one of the things and say, “I am thinking of a thing.” 
  • Have the other children guess the thing the child is thinking of.
  • Place a check next to the name of the things they guessed.

More Practice  
Identify th by touch 

  • Place the th picture cards out in a row.
  • Give the commands, 
    • “Touch the th on each picture card.”
    • “Touch the th picture card that you see when it thunders.”
    • “Touch the th picture card that is used to sew clothes.”
    • “Touch the th picture card that you have on your hands.”
    • “Touch the third thing in the row.”
    • “Touch the three thumbs.”
    • “Touch the third thumb.”
    • “Touch three thumbtacks.”
    • “Touch the third thumbtack.”
    • “Touch three thorns.”
    • “Touch the third thorn.”
  • Continue to create more commands if desired.

Make a path with three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand

  • Display the text Three, Thirteen, Thirty, and a Thousand (found below) so all the children can see and read the target text to them.
  • Make a path with the printed numerals of three, thirteen, thirty, and a thousand (found below) along with the written th digraph.
  • Have the children follow the path and have them say what numbers they pass along the path.
  • Read Think of That again, this time emphasizing the /th/ sound.
  • Invite the children to find /th/ words in the target text.   

Read and write about thoughtful things 

  • Read Thankful for a Thing (found below) to the children.
  • Help the children think of things that start with /th/.
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SEEL Target Texts

Think of That

I have a thorn, thumbtack, and thimble.
I’m thinking of one of those things.
I’m thinking of one of those things that begins with /th/.
It is a thing used to hang thoughtful notes.
The thing is sharp and can stab my thumb.
The thing is a . . . thumbtack!
I’m thinking of a thing.
I’m thinking of a thing that begins with /th/.
This thing goes on a finger or thumb.
The thing is often seen with thread.  
The thing is a . . . thimble!
I’m thinking of a thing.
It also begins with /th/.
I’m thinking of a thing that is sharp and can stab your thumb.
This thing is not a thumbtack.
The thing I’m thinking of is a . . . thorn!


Thankful for a Thing

I’m thankful for a thing.
This thing lets me thumb through things.
I’m thankful for a thing.
I can put a thimble on this thing.
I’m thankful for a thing. 
Well, it’s not really a thing—it is a part of my hand.
I’m thankful for my thumb!

Three, Thirteen, Thirty, and a Thousand

Three thorns are not a lot of things.
Thirteen thorns are more things.
Thirty thorns are even more things.
A thousand thorns are lots and lots of thorns.
Three can be compared to thirteen and thirty.
Three is less than thirteen and thirty.
Thirty is more than three.
Thirteen is more than three.
Thirteen is less than thirty.
Thirty is less than a thousand.
A thousand is more than three or thirteen or thirty!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.