shabby grubby dog

Shabby Grubby Dog

Shabby Grubby Dog
Target text


Read and write words spelled with the double letter combination –bb.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • shabby
  • grubby
  • scrubber
  • bubbles
  • dribble


  • Container filled with water a bubbles to use as a pretend tub
  • Scrubber
  • Picture of a dog laminated or placed in a plastic bag
  • Shabby Grubby Dog target text 
  • Word cards laminated or placed in plastic bags
  • Letter cards

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will give use a scrubber to give a dog a bubble bath and they will read and write words with the double letter combination –bb: bubble, scrubber, crabby, shabby.

Literacy Activities
Bubble bath for a grubby dog

  • Write the words grubby, shabby, bubbles, scrubber on the board and point out the double letter combination –bb in each word.
  • Explain that shabby means messy and grubby means dirty.
  • Read the target text Shabby Grubby Dog.
  • Allow the children to act out the text using a container filled with water a bubbles and a toy dog or picture of a dog laminated or placed in a plastic bag.
  • Place tape on the container and scrubber and have the children label the items by writing bubble bath and scrubber on the tape.

Bubble bath for word cards

  • Laminate word cards or place the cards in plastic bags.
  • Have the children read the word cards.
  • Allow the children to dribble bubbles on the cards and scrub them with the scrubber.

More Practice
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds

  • With word blending letter cards, help the children make new words by changing the initial consonant(s) or vowel:
    • Change the beginning sound(s): shabby --> crabby; bobble --> wobble; bubble --> rubble
    • Change the vowel sound: bubble --> bobble --> babble; grubby --> grabby; dabble --> dibble

Read target words in a text

  • Have the children underline the words with –bb in the target text Shabby Grubby Dog.
  • Read the target text Shabby Grubby Dog to the children.
  • Engage the children in reading the text simultaneously with you.
  • Read the Shabby Grubby Dog text again fading support.

Write about the activity using target words

  • Introduce a word wall displaying target words from the lesson (i.e., bubble, scrubber, crabby, shabby, grubby, dribble) and have the children write a sentence or two expressing ideas from a lesson activity or target text using words from the word wall.
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SEEL Target Texts

Shabby Grubby Dog

Abby, my dog, is looking pretty shabby.
I have to give her a bath.
She gets crabby when she has to take a bath.
I get crabby when I have to give her a bath.
But she is so shabby and grubby.
She gets shabby because she is slobbery.
Abby also dibbles and dabbles in dirt.
So, she gets grubby and shabby.
I hobble and wobble as I drag Abby to the tub.
I get a scrubber and dribble water on Abby.
I make some bubbles.
The bubbles bobble in the tub.
I dribble bubbles on Abby.
I dribble bubbles on the scrubber.
I do lots of scrubbing.
Having to take a bath makes Abby crabby.
Having to give Abby a bath makes ME crabby.
Oh well.
I am not crabby when I hug Abby after her bath.
And neither is Abby!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.