Find the Dollar

Find the Dollar

Find the Dollar
Target text


Read and write words spelled with the double letter 
-ll combination in the middle.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • wallet
  • dollar
  • yellow
  • pillow
  • balloon


  • Wallet graphic 
  • Word cards 
  • Picture cards
  • Dollar picture 
  • A Dollar in My Wallet target text 

State and Model the Objective
The children will look for a dollar in a yellow wallet and then read and write words spelled with the double letter -ll combination, such as yellow, dollar, and pillow.

Literacy Activities
Find the Dollar

  • Write the double letter -ll combination on the whiteboard, explain to the children that double ll makes the /l/ sound, and then invite them to watch for words with that combination.
  • Show the children the wallet graphic that is printed on yellow paper or made from folded yellow paper.
  • Label the wallet by writing yellow wallet and then point out that both words have the double letter -ll combination in the middle of the word.
  • Place the picture cards and dollar picture in, or under, the pretend wallet.
  • Tell the children that the wallet has some silly things in it and that they will need to take out the silly things to find the dollar.
  • Have the children take the picture cards out of the wallet one at a time.
  • Ask the children to read the word on the picture card while you write it on the board.
  • Point out that each word is spelled with the double letter combination -ll in the middle of the word.
  • Have a child take the dollar picture out last while you write dollar on the board.
  • Have the children say, “We found the dollar!”
  • Repeat the activity using word cards.
  • Help the children read their word card, find the matching word on the board, and underline the -ll.

More Practice 

Read target words in a text

  • Read the A Dollar in My Wallet target text to the children.
  • Engage the children in reading the text with you.
  • Read the A Dollar in My Wallet text with the children again, fading support.
  • Have the children list the words from the text spelled with -ll.

Write about the activity using target words

  • Using the words on the board, have the children write a sentence or two expressing ideas from the activities (e.g., "A balloon was in the yellow wallet").
  • Have the children create their own paper wallet, write the -ll words from the board onto small pieces of paper (to put into their wallet), and then take turns pulling them out of the wallet and reading them to each other.
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SEEL Target Texts

Dollar in My Wallet

I had a dollar in my wallet.
But I can’t find the dollar in my wallet.
I found a yellow dot.
I found a yellow marshmallow.
I found a yellow balloon.
Oh look!
I found the dollar.
I found the dollar in my wallet.
Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.