Wall to wall

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- wall
- ball
- roll
- tall
- yell
- small
- Balls (e.g., cotton balls, toy balls, bouncy balls, paper balls)
- Tape
- Word-building cards*
- Make Balls go Wall to Wall target text*
- Throw a Ball Wall to Wall target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will make balls go from wall to wall and read and write words that end with -ll, such as ball, yell, wall, tall, roll, and small.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Show the children the short vowel words.
- Read the target words with the children.
Make balls go wall-to-wall
- Read the Make Balls go Wall to Wall target text (see below) with the children.
- Have the children make two walls by standing side by side and facing each other, or put tape on the floor to make pretend walls.
- Let the children line balls side by side so they go from wall to wall.
- Make comments such as “Look! We have wall-to-wall balls!”
Throw a ball wall-to-wall
- Read the Throw a Ball Wall to Wall target text (see below) with the children.
- Find two walls that are fairly close to each other, like a hallway, or use just one wall.
- Let the children take turns throwing, rolling, or bouncing a ball against the wall.
- Have the children yell “Ball!” if they catch the ball.
- Ask the children to say “Watch for the Ball!” when it is their turn to bounce the ball.
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant: call→ ball; tall→ wall; fall→ mall
- Change the vowel: tall→ tell; ball→ bill; fall→ full
SEEL Target Texts
Make Balls go Wall to Wall
We have small balls and big balls!
Line all the small balls from wall to wall.
Line all the big balls from wall to wall.
We have wall-to-wall balls!
Throw a Ball Wall to Wall
We will get the ball to go from wall to wall in the hall.
Roll the ball.
Give the ball a small bounce.
Give the ball a tall bounce.
Throw the ball.
Will it get to the wall?
Yell for a new ball.
Roll the new ball from wall to wall.
All the balls can roll from wall to wall.
Wall-to-wall balls!
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Wall to wall