Vote for Boats and Totes

Read and write words with two long o spellings: -oa and silent e. Recognize that both spellings have the same pronunciation.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- oat
- tote
- boat
- note
- vote
- coat
- float
- Empty plastic bottles (or something else that floats)
- Plastic sandwich bags or paper sacks
- Strips of cloth or paper to be bag straps
- Stapler
- Small pan of water
- Pictures of different kinds of boats*
- Pictures of different kinds of goats*
- Word-building cards*
- Vote for the Boat That Will Float target text*
- Put Notes in Totes target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children they will vote on notes for boats and totes and then read and write words with the two different long o spellings -oa and o_e, such as boat, vote, float, and note.
Literacy Activities
List -oa and o_e words
- Explain that boat and vote both have a long o sound.
- List words that end with -ote and -oat on the board (e.g., oat, boat, coat, float, moat, goat, vote, tote, note, wrote).
Vote for the boat that will float
- Let the children label the pictures of different kinds of boats (found below).
- Tape the pictures of the boats to empty plastic bottles or something else that floats.
- Place the paper boats on bottles in a line.
- Have the children write a note to vote for which boat they think will float (e.g., "I vote for the tugboat").
- Gather the notes and count the votes.
- Tell the children that the boat with the most votes is the boat that will get a chance to float.
- Put the boat with the most votes in a small pan of water to see if it will float.
Vote for goats on boats
- Show the children the pictures of four different goats (found below).
- Let the children write a note to decide which goat gets to float (e.g., "I vote for the little goat").
- Let the goat with the most votes float on one of the boats.
Make a tote and boat for the best float
- Let the children in groups put straps on a tote bag by stapling strips of paper or cloth to a plastic or paper bag.
- Line up the tote bags and label the tote bags as Tote 1, Tote 2, etc.
- Vote for a tote by writing a note (e.g., "I vote for tote 1").
- Put the vote inside the corresponding tote (e.g., put notes that say "I vote for tote 1" in the tote labeled Tote 1).
- Count the notes in each tote and tell the children that the tote with the most votes gets to be the first tote in a tote parade.
- Hand the totes out to some of the children and have them line up and march around in a pretend parade while saying, “Tote, tote, we tote tote bags!”
- Explain that “to tote” means “to carry” and that “tote” means “bag.”
Tote notes in a tote bag
- Make a word wall of -oat and -ote words with the children.
- Let the children write notes using -oat and -ote words to put in a tote.
- Tote the notes in a tote and mix up the notes.
- Pull notes out of the tote and vote to guess who put the note in the tote.
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With the word-building cards (found below), have the children make new words by changing the consonant(s):
- Change the beginning consonant(s) of -oat words: oat→ goat, boat→ float, moat→ coat, throat→ gloat
- Change the beginning consonant(s) of -ote words: tote→ note, wrote→ quote, vote→ tote
- Change the ending consonant: oat→ oak, goat→ goal, note→ nope
Read target words and patterns in a text
- Read the target text Vote for the Boat That Will Float (found below) together.
- Read the text again, fading support.
- Have the children underline the words that end with -oat, then repeat with words that end with -ote.
- Repeat with Put Notes in Totes (found below).
Write about the activity using target words and patterns
- Give each child a paper and pencil and have them write words from dictation (e.g., boat, float, goat, vote, note, coat, oat, tote, wrote, moat, gloat, throat, quote).
- Engage the children in interactive writing by providing sentence frames:
- "I saw a . . ." (boat float, goat go on a boat)
- "I like to . . ." (make a tote for notes, watch boats float)
- "I can vote . . ." (for the best boat, for the best tote, for a goat)
SEEL Target Texts
Put Notes in Totes
We can put straps on bags to make tote bags.
We can write a note to vote for the best tote.
Then we can put notes in the tote bags.
We can tote the notes around in a tote bag parade.
A tote can be used to tote around notes!
Vote for the Boat that will Float
I see a tug boat.
I see a lifeboat.
I see a sailboat.
I can vote for a boat to go float on the water.
I’ll write a note to vote for which boat I want to go float.
They will put the boat with the most votes on the water!
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Vote for Boats and Totes