i can do that too

I Can Do That Too

I Can Do That Too
Target text


Read and write words with the long oo sound that are spelled in different ways. 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • do
  • to
  • too
  • coo
  • boo
  • you
  • moo
  • new
  • shoo


  • Word-building cards with oo and consonant letters*
  • Picture of a cow, ghost, dove, and train.*
  • Cool! I Like That Too! target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will read words with the oo sound that have different spellings (e.g., do, you, new, and too) as they decide what they, too, can do.     

Literacy Activities
See who can say boo too.   

Engage the children in the reader’s theater below:

Group 1: A ghost says boo. Can you say boo too?  
Group 2: Boo!  
Group 1: A few of you can do that too! A few of you can say boo.

Group 2: A cow says moo. Can you moo too?  
Group 1: Moo!  
Group 2: You, too, can moo. A few of you can do that too.

Group 1: A dove says coo. Can you coo too? 
Group 2: Coo!  
Group 1: You, too, can coo. A few of you can do that too.  
                More than a few of you can boo, moo, and coo!  
                You can boo, moo, and coo too!

More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the beginning or ending consonant(s):

  • Change the beginning consonant(s): boomoo; cootoo; chooshoo; hooploop; loomroom; boomzoom
  • Change the ending consonant: booboom; coocoop; moomoon

Read a target text

  • Read the Cool! I Like That Too! target text (see below) as a class or group.
  • Read the text again, fading support.
  • Have the children underline the oo words.

Write about the activity 

  • Have the children write words from dictation (e.g., moo, boo, coo, too, shoo).    
  • Show the sentence frames below and let the children fill in the missing words. 
    • A ghost says ___, and I can do that ___ (too). 
    • A dove says ___, and I can do that ___ (too).
    • A train goes ___ ___, and I can do that ___ (too).
    • A cow says ___, and I can do that ___ (too).

Read and write a poem

  • Comment on how much fun it is to tell friends what you like to do.
  • Read the Cool! I Like That Too! target text with the children.
  • Brainstorm other common activities that the children like to do with a friend.
  • Have the children write their own version of the poem and read it to a friend.
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SEEL Target Texts

Cool! I Like That Too!

I like to swim in a pool.
My friend says, “Cool!
“I like to do that too!”
I like to stomp in big boots.
My friend says, “Cool!
“I like to do that too!”
I like to run home from school.
My friend says, “Cool!”
“I like to do that too!”
I like to zoom on my scooter!
My friend says, “Cool, 
“I like to do that too!”
I like to zoom.
Do you like to do that too?
Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
