Snacks on the Dock

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dock
- rock
- sack
- duck
- snack
- stick
- stack
- Lunch sacks
- Towel, table, or box to be a pretend dock
- Pictures of snacks*
- Picture of a duck*
- Rocks and sticks or pictures of rocks and sticks*
- Word cards*
- Snacks on a Dock target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to eat snacks and play with sticks and rocks on a dock and will read and write words ending with -ck, such as snack, sack, dock, rock, stick, and duck.
Literacy Activities
Play with rocks and sticks on the dock
- Write the words dock, rock, and stick on the board and explain that c and k written together make the /k/ sound.
- Lay a large towel on the floor as a pretend dock and put rocks and sticks on it (use real objects or see pictures below).
- Invite the children to sit on the dock and stack rocks and sticks.
Eat snacks on the dock
- Have the children pack pretend snacks (see below) in a paper sack.
- Let the children sit on the dock and eat the snacks from the sack.
- Help the children label the pictures dock, rock, stick, and snack and underline the -ck at the end of each word.
Put in sacks
- Label three paper sacks -ick, -ack, and -ock.
- Have the children take turns reading a word card (see below) and putting it in the sack with the matching word ending.
- Let the children use a -ck wordlist to write words like snack, sack, dock, rock, and stick on slips of paper and put them in their sacks.
- Ask the children to trade sacks and read the words on the cards in the sack.
Read target words in a text
- Read the Snacks on a Dock target text (see below) to the children.
- Engage the children in reading the text simultaneously with you, fading support.
- Have the children list the words from the text spelled with -ck.
Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Have the children use the -ck wordlist to write about stacking rocks and sticks and eating snacks on the dock (e.g., “I had a snack in a sack.” “I sat on the dock and had my snack.” “A duck got my snack.”).
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SEEL Target Texts
Snacks on a Dock
We sit on a dock with snacks in a sack.
Snacks for us and snacks for the ducks.
We flick snacks off the dock.
But we do not get to see a duck.
Snacks for us and snacks for the ducks.
We flick snacks off the dock.
But we do not get to see a duck.
We find rocks and sticks by the dock.
We flick sticks off the dock.
We stack rocks like blocks on the dock.
We flick sticks off the dock.
We stack rocks like blocks on the dock.
But, we do not see the duck get into our sack.
We do not see the duck get our snacks.
Snacks for the duck, but no snacks for us!
We do not see the duck get our snacks.
Snacks for the duck, but no snacks for us!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Snacks on the Dock