odd omelet

Odd Omelet
Target text


Associate the letter O with the short /o/ sound as in odd, octopus, and omelet.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • octopus
  • otter
  • ostrich
  • omelet
  • odd
  • October
  • octagon


  • Octopus, Otter, Ox, and Ostrich graphics
  • Pan
  • Spatula
  • Word cards
  • Picture cards 
  • Odd Omelet target text
  • Music for "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (optional)

The children will make an odd omelet as they practice writing the letter O and saying the /o/ sound as in octopus, otter, ox, ostrich, olive, and odd.

Literacy Activities
Make an odd omelet

  • Place the picture cards in a box.
  • Show the children the octopus picture and tell them that Oliver Octopus needs their help to make an odd (explain that odd means strange) omelet with things that start with the /o/ sound.
  • Have the children pick a picture card from the box.
  • Ask, “Would Oliver Octopus like ___ for his odd omelet?”
    • If the item starts with the /o/ sound, have the children say, “Yes, Oliver Octopus would like o__ for his odd omelet” and place the picture in the pot.
    • If the picture does not start with the /o/ sound have the children respond, “No, Oliver Octopus would not like a ___ for his odd omelet,” and set the picture aside.
  • Point out that all of the items in Oliver’s omelet begin with the letter O which makes the /o/ sound.
  • Let the children pretend to serve the omelet to Oliver and his friends Otter, Ox, and Ostrich.
  • Repeat the activity using word cards instead of picture cards.

More Practice
Read target words in a text

  • Read the Odd Omelet target text to the children.
  • Have the children find and underline the letter O throughout the text, saying the /o/ sound each time they underline the letter O.
  • Read the text again and have the children write the letter O in the air with their finger every time they hear a word with the /o/ sound.
  • Use the text to sing the Odd Omelet song to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (optional)

Write the target letter

  • Have the children write the letter O on small pieces of paper to add to the odd omelet.
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SEEL Target Texts

Odd Omelet

Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes olive omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes octagon omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes on-off omelets.
Oliver the Octopus,
Octopus, Octopus.
Oliver the Octopus
Likes October omelets.
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letter O with the short /o/ sound as in odd, omelet, and octagon.


  • Pictures cards
  • Pan
  • Spatula

Activity: Odd Omelet

  • Pretend that an octopus named Oliver is making an omelet for his friends Otter, Ox, and Ostrich, but he only wants things in the omelet that start with the /o/ sound like octopus.
  • Put the picture cards in a box and take them out one at a time.
    • If the picture begins with the /o/ sound, put it in the omelet.
    • If the picture does not begin with the /o/ sound, discard it.
  • Take turns stirring the omelet, making an O shape while stirring.
  • Have your child write the letter O on small pieces of paper to add to the omelet. 
  • Emphasize that the letter O makes the /o/ sound.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
