Spot Spooky Spiders

Spot Spooky Spiders
Target text


Associate the letters sp with the /sp/ sound as in spooky, spider, and spots.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • spooky
  • spider
  • spin
  • spots


  • Black paper
  • Spot stickers
  • Spooky Spider song
  • Spooky Spider target text

The children will spot spooky spiders and then practice saying the /sp/ sound in words such as spot, spurt, and spin.

Literacy activity
Make spooky spiders

  • Cut our a black paper circle for each child, then draw a straight line from the outside to the center of each circle and cut a slit along that line.
  • Overlap and tape the edges of each circle to create shallow, cone-shaped spider bodies, then tape string to the center of them.
  • Have the children write an sp on eight strips of paper, saying the /sp/ sound each time.
  • Attach the eight strips of paper to each child's cone body to make spider legs.

Spot spooky spiders

  • Have the children splat spots (stickers) on the spider to make it extra spooky.
  • Tell the children to write the letters sp on the spider body and make spooky squiggly and swirly letters.
  • Have the children spin their spiders while singing the Spooky Spider song to the tune of "Frère Jacques."

Spot the sneaky spider

  • Explain that spiders are sneaky and can hide really well.
  • Have a child hide a spider and invite the other children to spot the spooky spider.
  • Have the children say the /sp/ sound when someone spots the spider.

More practice
Read the Spooky Spider target text

  • Read the Spooky Spider target text to the children.
  • Have the children find and circle the letters sp throughout the text, saying the /sp/ sound each time they circle the letters.
  • Read the text again and have the children say the /sp/ sound along with you.
  • Have the children make a crawling spider motion with their hands whenever they hear the /sp/ sounds.

Write the target letter

  • Have the children help you make a list of names beginning with the letters sp.
  • Let the children choose a name for their spider and write it on a sticky note to stick on their spider.
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SEEL Target Texts

Spooky Spider Song

Spooky spider,
Spooky spider,
See the spots!
See the spots!
Spin the spooky spider,
Spin the spooky spider,
Spooky spots!
Spooky spots!
Sung to the tune of to the tune of Frère Jacques (

Spooky Spider

We made a spooky spider.
First, we made a spider body.
Then, we splattered some spots on the spider.
Next, we stuck some legs on the spider.
Last, we spun the spider on some string.
That made our spider spooky!
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SEEL At Home



Associate the letters sp with the /sp/ sound as in spooky, spider, and spin.


  • Spooky Spider song
  • Black paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Marker or spot stickers

Activity: Spooky Spider

  • Make a spooky spider together:
    • Cut a circle and eight strips from the black paper. 
    • Cut a slit from the edge to the center of the circle to make the spider's body.
    • Splat spots on the spider's body (use spot stickers or a marker).
    • Make a shallow cone by overlapping the edges that have been cut and secure with tape.
    • Fold the eight strips of black paper into a concertina or accordion pattern and attach to the body to make the legs.
    • Attach a piece of string to the center of the circle.
  • Think of names beginning with the /sp/ sound and choose a name for the spooky spider.
  • Play a game called Spot the Spooky Spider, where one person hides the spider and the other person searches for it while they sing the Spooky Spider song (to the tune of "Frère Jacques).


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.