T Treasure Trip

T Treasure Trip

T Treasure Trip
Target text


Associate the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t with the /t/ sound as in treasure, tools, and trail.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • treasure
  • trip
  • tools
  • terrifying
  • trail


  • Masking tape
  • Going on a Treasure Trip chant
  • Picture cards 
  • Hopscotch grid
  • Object that begins with the /t/ sound
  • Book: Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 1989) (optional)

The children will go on a treasure trip and then practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t and saying the /t/ sound as in trip, terrific, and trail.

Literacy Activities
Tape a T  Trail

  • Teach the children how to write the letter T.
  • Practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t in the air.
  • Using tape, make a trail of Ts on the ground that leads to a large T.

Treasure Trip

  • Read the book Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and tell the children that instead of hunting for bears, we can hunt for treasure (optional).
  • Tell the children they will be going on a treasure trip.
  • Say, “If you see anything terrifying, say the magic /t/ sound.”
  • Act out the Going on a Treasure Trip chant with the children as you read each line and they repeat it.
  • As the children encounter terrifying things on the treasure trip, show them the corresponding picture cards.

More Practice
Toss and tiptoe

  • Create a hopscotch game by drawing a hopscotch grid on a large piece of paper or by placing smaller sheets of paper together.
  • Invite the children to write the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t on each square.
  • Drop an object that begins with the /t/ sound (e.g., tool, token, treasure) onto a hopscotch square.
  • Have the children tiptoe around the square where the object lands.
  • Have the children say the /t/ sound as they tiptoe from square to square.

Read the T  Treasure Trip text

  • Read the T Treasure Trip chant to the children.
  • Have the children find and circle the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t throughout the text, saying the /t/ sound each time they circle the letter T.
  • Read the text again and have the children clap each time they hear the /t/ sound.

Write the target letter

  • Draw all of the T objects that the children came across on their trip.
  • Help the children label each item underneath the picture (support as needed).
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SEEL At Home



Associate the uppercase letter T and the lowercase letter t with the /t/ sound as in treasure, trip, and toads.


  • Going on a Treasure Trip chant
  • Picture cards
  • Tape 

Activity: T Treasure Trip

  • Using tape, make a trail of Ts on the ground that leads to a large T.
  • Set out the picture cards along the trail.
  • Pretend to go on a trip looking for treasure, tiptoeing along the trail and following the Going on a Treasure Trip chant.
  • Have your child repeat each line after you read it.
  • Be sure to reach the letter T by the time you sing the fourth chorus.  
  • Continue with the chant until the end.
  • Help your child write a list of the things he or she saw on the treasure trip that start with the letter T.
  • Read the list together and have your child circle the T in each word, saying the /t/ sound.
  • Repeat the activity as desired.





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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
