It's T Time

Associate the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t with the /t/ sound as in time, twirl, and toss.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- time
- twirl
- toss
- table
- Clock face with a T-shaped spinner
- One craft brad
- Action list
- Tasty treats (optional)
The children will pretend to tell time on a special T clock as they practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t and saying the /t/ sound as in toss, track, and tiger.
Literacy Activities
T Time!
- Assemble the spinner using the instructions given.
- Divide the children into teams and have each team choose a team name beginning with the letter T (e.g., tigers, tarantulas, tomatoes).
- Have the teams sit in a circle around the spinner.
- Have a team twirl (spin) the letter T spinner.
- When the spinner stops, have the children say, “It’s T time!”
- If the spinner lands on two, ten, or twelve (which are numbers that begin with the letter T), the team must shout, “Two (or ten or twelve) is terrific!”
- If the spinner lands on a number other than two, ten, or twelve, the team must look at the action list and perform the T action corresponding to the number that they spun.
- Play the game so that each team has two turns.
- Reward all the children with a tasty treat (optional).
More Practice
Read target words in a text
- Read the action list to the children.
- Have the children find and underline the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t throughout the list, saying the /t/ sound each time they underline the letter.
- Read the text to the children again and have the children touch their toes every time they hear a word that begins with the letter T.
Write the target letter
- Have the children practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t in the air twice.
- Give the children a whiteboard or piece of paper and have them write an uppercase letter T ten times and then a lowercase letter t ten times.
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SEEL Target Texts
Action List
1: Twist for ten seconds.
2: Shout, “Two is terrific!”
3: Trot around the table.
4: Tap your toes twice.
5: Tuck down to become a tiny ball.
6: Toss a teddy bear onto the table.
7: Tap your teeth together ten times.
8: Turn around two times.
9: Touch your toes.
10: Shout, “Ten is terrific!”
11: Twirl for ten seconds.
12: Shout, “Twelve is terrific!”
2: Shout, “Two is terrific!”
3: Trot around the table.
4: Tap your toes twice.
5: Tuck down to become a tiny ball.
6: Toss a teddy bear onto the table.
7: Tap your teeth together ten times.
8: Turn around two times.
9: Touch your toes.
10: Shout, “Ten is terrific!”
11: Twirl for ten seconds.
12: Shout, “Twelve is terrific!”
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SEEL At Home
Associate the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t with the /t/ sound as in trot, tuck, and toss.
- Clock face with a T-shaped spinner
- One craft brad
- Action list
Activity: It's T Time
- Assemble the spinner using the instructions given.
- Take turns twirling (spinning) the T spinner, and when the spinner stops, shout, "It's T time!"
- Perform the action on the action list that corresponds to the number the spinner lands on.
- Repeat as many times as desired.
- Have your child find and underline the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t throughout the list, saying the /t/ sound each time he or she underlines a letter.
- Read each sentence and point to your toes each time you hear the /t/ sound.
- Help your child write the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t while saying the /t/ sound.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
It's T Time