Tasty Treats

Tasty Treats
Target text


Associate the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter with the /t/ sound as in taste, treat, and test.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • teacher
  • treat
  • tasty
  • table
  • take
  • tiny
  • try


  • T treats (e.g., Tootsie rolls, Twix chocolate bars, tangerines, taffy, Twizzlers)
  • Tray or small paper plate
  • Example chart

The children will try some tasty treats and then practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t and saying the /t/ sound as in table, tiny, and test.

Literacy Activities
Make tasting trays

  • Demonstrate how to write a letter T.
  • Have the children practice writing the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t in the air.
  • Pass out a tray or paper plate to each child and help them write the letter T on their trays.
  • Introduce the tasty treats, holding up one at a time, as the children respond with “/t/, /t/, tangerine starts with the /t/ sound.”
  • Have each child take a turn telling the other children which treat they want to taste (e.g., “I want to taste a tangerine, taffy, and Twizzlers”).

Taste the treats

  • Tell the children they will now get to try, take, or taste the teacher’s tasty treats, then establish how many treats each child may place on their tray.
  • Say phrases such as, “Today I’m tasting taffy, tangerines, and Twizzlers.”
  • Remind the children that everything they are tasting starts with T, which makes the /t/ sound.
  • Signal that the children may eat their treats by saying, “Time to taste our tiny treats!”
  • Invite the children to trade T treats with other children.

More Practice
Terrific or terrible

  • Create a chart listing the treats the children tasted.
  • Have the children write the initial letter T for each treat.
  • Have children vote whether they thought each treat was terrific or terrible.
  • Record the results on the chart.

Read the Tasty Treat chart

  • Have the children clap each time they hear the /t/ sound.
  • Read the list together (support as needed).
  • Have the children make a menu of tasty treats using pictures and words.
  • Read the menu together and emphasize the /t/ sound.
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SEEL At Home


Associate the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t with the /t/ sound as in treasure, trip, and tasty.


  • T treats (e.g., tangerines,Twix chocolate bars, Twizzlers)

Activity: Tasty Treats

  • Explore the kitchen with your child to find foods beginning with the /t/ sound (e.g., toast, tomatoes, tangerines, tuna, turkey).
  • Plan a T party for family and/or friends where only treats beginning with the /t/ sound can be on the table.
  • Prepare tiny serving sizes of treats for everyone to take turns tasting.
  • As people taste the tiny treats, encourage them to say, "Today I'm tasting ___."
    • If people like the treat, encourage them to say, "___ is a terrific treat!"
    • If people don't like the treat, encourage them to say, "___ is a terrible treat!"
  • Help your child draw and label the treats he or she tasted (support as needed).
  • Repeat as desired.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
