Bat Gets Fat

Change the initial sound in -at words to make new words (e.g., change the /f/ in fat to a /b/ to make bat).
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bat
- fat
- hat
- sat
- flat
- Balloon
- Permanent black marker
- Paper hat
- Fat Bat Activity Text (see target text below)
- Fat Bat Activity Story (see target text below)
- Bat Template (see below)
- Word cards (see below)
- A Fat Bat, Bats target text (see below)
- Bats, Bats! target text (see below)
- Flat Bats target text (see text below)
State and model the objective
Tell the children they will make a fat bat while they practice blending beginning sounds with the -at words to spell new words (e.g., bat, fat, sat, flat).
Practice the skill within an activity
- Make the flat bat balloon fat
- Introduce the children to your flat balloon.
- Draw a bat on your balloon.
- Read the Fat Bat Activity Text (see below) and have the children help you act out the text using the balloon and paper hat.
- Read the Fat Bat's Story (see below) and have the children help you act out the story using the paper bat (see instructions below).
- Read the Fat Bat's Story again and have the children clap out each sound in the words ending in -at (e.g., clap three times for the sounds /f/ /a/ /t/ in fat).
- Have the children change the /b/ in bat to /s/ then have them blend the new sound with the -at ending to make the word sat. Repeat with other words.
- bat --> sat --> pat --> hat --> mat --> cat --> rat
Apply the skill (Choose from the following)
- Cut words into sounds
- Write or print out target words (see below) ending in -at: bat, fat, mat, sat, pat, hat.
- Cut each word into individual sounds, saying each sound separately.
- Read target words in a text (see below)
- Read the target text A Fat Bat together with the group.
- Have the children underline the words that end in -at.
- Read the text again fading support.
- Repeat with the target text Bats, Bats, Bats! or the target text Flat Bats.
- Write about the activity using target words/patterns
- Give each child a whiteboard and have them write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word: fat--> pat --> pan --> fan --> man--> mad --> bad --> bat --> sat --> hat.
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SEEL At Home
Change the initial sound in -at words to make new words
(e.g., change the /f/ in fat to a /b/ to make bat).
- Bat Template and Fat Bat Story (see below)
- Scissors, pencil, and paper
Activity: Fat Bat
- Make a bat that can be flat or fat (following the instructions on the pattern).
- Read the Fat Bat Story with your child and have your child clap his or her hands every time he or she hears a word ending in -at.
- Have your child act out the story using the paper bat.
- Read the story again, this time helping your child read the -at words.
- Have your child change the /b/ in bat to /s/ then blend the new sound with the -at ending to make the word sat. Repeat with other words (e.g., pat, hat, mat, cat, rat).
- Help your child write a short story about a fat bat that went splat. Have him or her write the words ending with -at and provide support for other words in the story.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Bat Gets Fat