Looking for a Fat Bat

Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with the -at ending to make words such as bat, cat, and fat.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- fat
- bat
- rat
- cat
- mat
- scat
- Mat (rug)
- Hat
- Looking for a Fat Bat chant
- Word blending cards
- Animal graphics
The children will look for a fat bat as they add beginning sounds to the -at ending to make words such as bat, rat, cat, and fat.
Literacy Activities
Looking for a Fat Bat chant
- Display the Looking for a Fat Bat chant for the children to see.
- Have the children find and underline the -at words in the chant and help them say each word, segmenting the beginning sound from the word ending (e.g., /b/ + at).
- Have the children sit on a mat (rug) and echo you as you lead the chant.
- Choose different children to act out the bat, rat, cat, and hat parts as everyone chants.
More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- Using the word blending cards, help the children identify the sounds of each letter used in -at words (e.g., /b/ /a/ /t/), then blend the sounds to make the word.
- Repeat to create more -at words.Using the word building cards, lay out the letters for an -at word then help the children identify the sound of each letter used (e.g., /b/ /a/ /t/).
- Repeat to make more -at words.
- Have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
- Change the beginning sound: bat → hat; hat → mat; mat → sat
- Change the ending sound: bat → bad; hat → ham; mat → man
- Change the middle sound: bat → bit; hat → hot; mat → met
Write about the activity using target words
Have each child write -at words on their whiteboards from dictation.
SEEL Target Texts
Looking for a Fat Bat
I’m not afraid.
Got my fat rat.
Got my fat cat.
Coming to a flat hat!
Go around the flat hat.
I’m not afraid.
Got my fat rat.
Got my fat cat.
Coming to a swamp!
Splat, splat, splat.
I’m not afraid.
Got my fat cat.
Coming to a cave!
Calling to a fat bat.
Fat bat? Fat bat?
Eek! There’s a fat bat!
Scat! Scat!
Out of the cave!
Through the swamp!
Around the flat hat!
Back to the mat!
Whew! We’re safe from the fat bat!
Give each other a pat.
SEEL At Home
Blend a beginning consonant or consonant blend with the –at ending to make words such as bat, cat, and fat.
- Puppet graphics
- popsicle sticks
Activity: Looking for a Fat Bat
- Hide Fat Bat somewhere in the room and have your child hold the stick puppets to look for Fat Bat.
- As your child searches for Fat Bat, chant together, "Fat Rat and Fat Cat are looking for Fat Bat."
- When Fat Bat is found, chant together, "Fat Rat and Fat Cat found Fat Bat!"
- Switch roles and have your child hide Fat Bat.
- Have your child chant -at words.
- Help your child break the words fat, bat, cat, and rat into their sound parts and blend the parts together again (e.g., f + at = fat).
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Looking for a Fat Bat