That Fat Bat Went Splat!

That Fat Bat Went Splat!
Target text


Read and write words that end with at.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • bat
  • fat
  • hat
  • pat
  • sat
  • flat


  • Balloon 
  • Black permanent marker or bat picture*
  • Paper hat graphic* 
  • Make a Flat Bat Fat readers theater*
  • Letter cards* 
  • Word-building cards* 
  • A Fat Bat target text* 

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will play with a fat bat and read and write words that end with at, such as bat, fat, hatpat, sat, flat, and splat

Literacy Activities
Fat bat goes flat 

  • Draw or tape a bat picture (see below) on an inflated balloon, then deflate it.
  • Introduce the children to your flat bat (deflated balloon).
  • Read the Make a Flat Bat Fat readers theater (see below) to the children and invite them to help you act out the story using the balloon and the paper hat.

Fat bat goes splat

  • Write the words fat, splat, and flat, pointing out that all three words end with at.
  • While pointing to each word, have the children do the following:
    • Read the word fat, holding their hands out in front of them to show width.
    • Read splat, bringing their hands together into a clap.
    • Read flat, slapping their hands down flat to their sides.
  • Chant "Fat, splat, flat. Fat, splat, flat" in a rhythmic way while doing the actions.
  • Add other -at words and actions to the chant (i.e., "Fat, splat, flat, cat"—make a claw-like pose; "Fat, splat, flat, hat"—put hands on head).
  • Try repeating the chant faster or slower.
  • Write all the words on the board and have the children take turns underlining the -at endings.

More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds 

  • Let the children make different words from the word-building cards (see below).
    • Change the beginning consonant(s): batfat, hatpat, satflat 
    • Change the vowel: patpet, hathut, fatfit
    • Change the ending consonant(s): batbag, fatfan, satsad
  • For each word, have the children make the sounds for each letter and then blend those sounds back into a word.

Read target words in a text 

  • Engage the children in reading the A Fat Bat target text (see below). 
  • Read the text together again, fading support.
  • Have the children take turns underlining the words that end in at in the text.

Write about the activity using target words and phrase

  • Have the children use a whiteboard to write a target word and then change one letter at a time to make new words (e.g., bathatpatpitpinfinfanfatflatspatsplat).
  • Let the children write 2–3 simple sentences using words that end with at (e.g., “The fat bat had a hat”). 
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SEEL Target Texts

Make a Flat Bat Fat

This is my bat. My bat is flat. Can you help me make 
my bat fat?
Show the flat balloon bat then blow up the balloon 
while the children chant “fat bat”—don’t tie the end.
See this hat? Can you help me put this hat on my fat 
Show the hat.
A hat is on my fat bat. 
Have a child put the hat on the balloon bat.
Do bats wear hats? No! Bats don’t wear hats. Let’s 
take the hat off my fat bat.
Have a child take off the hat.
The fat bat can fly. 
Pinch the end of the balloon and make the fat bat fly 
around the classroom.
Oh no! The fat bat went splat! 
Have the fat bat crash into a wall or object then let 
the air out of the balloon. Have the children shout, 
“The fat bat went splat!”
The fat bat went splat and now he’s flat. Now we’ll call him Flat Bat. 
Have the children chant, “Flat Bat, Flat Bat!”
Give Flat Bat a pat and say, “Hi, Flat Bat!” 
Have the children pat the bat and say, “Hi, Flat Bat!”
Oh no! He won’t chat when he’s flat. Flat Bat 
doesn’t like to be flat. He’s a fat bat. Let’s make the 
flat bat fat again. 
Blow up the balloon bat while the children chant “fat bat.”
Now we can chat with the fat bat. “Hi, Fat Bat.”
Have children repeat, “Hi, Fat Bat.”

A Fat Bat

We made a fat bat.
We gave the fat bat a pat.
We said, “Hi, Fat Bat.”
Then, just like that the fat bat flew!
But the fat bat went splat! 
Look at that! 
The fat bat is not a fat bat.
Now the fat bat is a flat bat!
Oh drat!
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SEEL At Home



Read and write words that end with at


  • Bat template*
  • A Fat Bat target text*

*Items included below.

Activity: Fat Bat

  • Let your child color the bat from the bat template (see below), then work together to assemble the bat.
  • Read A Fat Bat target text (see below) with your child, giving support as needed.
  • Let your child act out the text as you read it aloud.
  • Have your child write a list of -at words you think of together, such as bat, fat, flat, mat, rat, sat, and hat.
  • Using the -at word list, have your child write a few sentences about a bat, providing support for other words.
  • If possible, act out the sentences with the paper bat.

A Fat Bat Target Text


Fat Bat Template

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.