a stick bug and a click bug

A Stick Bug and a Click Bug

A Stick Bug and a Click Bug
Target text


Read and write words that end with ick.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • tick
  • pick
  • stick
  • click
  • trick
  • quick


  • Craft sticks and real sticks
  • Blue construction paper
  • Brown construction paper strips
  • Green construction paper leaves (large enough to write on)
  • Click bug and stick bug images*
  • A Bug Can Look Like a Stick target text*
  • A Click Bug and a Stick Bug target text*
  • Information page about stick bugs and click bugs (optional)*

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will learn about a click bug and a stick bug as they read and write words that end with ick, such as stick, pick, click, and quick.

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

Read the target words with the children: tick, pick, stick, click, trick, and quick.

Make stick bugs do a trick

  • Read the A Bug Can Look Like a Stick target text (see below) with the children.
  • Explain to the children that a stick bug can do a trick by looking like a stick (see video).
  • Place the cut-out stick bug image (see below) among a pile of real sticks and have the children find the stick bug.
  • Let the children stick (glue) two or three brown paper strips on the blue construction paper as sticks or branches for stick bugs to hide in.
  • Have the children stick (glue) pictures of stick bugs onto the sticks.
  • Let the children write -ick words on green paper leaves and stick them to their branches, helping to hide their stick bugs.
  • Tell the children more about stick bugs from the information page (see below).

Make click bugs do a trick

  • Read the A Click Bug and a Stick Bug target text (see below) with the children.
  • Show the children a picture of a click bug (see below).
  • Explain that a click bug can do a trick by flexing and flicking its body to make a clicking sound (see video).
  • Show the children how to make a clicking noise with their tongues against the roof of their mouth.
  • Let the children flick the click bug image (see below) as they click their tongue and see if the click bug lands right side up.
  • If the click bug lands right side up, ask the child to say a word that ends in -ick (e.g., ick, click, trick, flick).
  • Tell the children more about click bugs from the information page (see below).

Write sentences using target words and phrases

Tell the children to write short sentences about stick bugs and click bugs.

  • A stick bug can look like a ____ (stick).
  • A click bug can make a ____ (click) noise.
  • I can put a _____(stick) bug on a ____ (stick).
  • I love to learn about ____ (stick) bugs and ____ (click) bugs.
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SEEL Target Texts

A Bug Can Look Like a Stick

There are bugs that look like sticks.
They are walking stick bugs.
A walking stick bug can do a trick.
It can look like a stick.
Can you pick out a stick bug from some sticks?
Can you make a stick look like a stick bug?

A Click Bug and a Stick Bug

The click bug goes click.
The stick bug looks like a stick.
Put a click bug on a stick.
Put a stick bug on a stick.
Make a click bug go click.
Put a stick bug in with some sticks. 
Do not make the stick bug go ‘click’.  
Do not hide the click bug in with sticks.
The stick bug does not go ‘click’.  
And the click bug does not look like a stick.
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SEEL At Home


Read and write words that end with -ick


  • Click bug and stick bug graphics
  • Spoons to click against each other
  • Real sticks

Activity: Click to find click bugs

  • Before the activity, hide a click bug graphic in a room for your child to find.
  • Explain to your child that you have hidden a picture of a click bug in the room and that you will click your spoons together slowly if he or she is not close or quickly if he or she is getting closer to the picture.
  • When your child finds the click bug graphic, have him or her read the name of the bug and write two other words that end with -ick on the back of the bug or on another piece of paper.
  • Trade places and have fun trying to find the click bug and writing and reading more -ick words together.

Activity: Flick the stick bug

  • Before the activity, place a pile of sticks at one end of a table or 2 feet away on the ground.
  • Mark one bug for each of you then fold the stick bugs in half and place them at the other end of the table.
  • Take turns flicking your stick bug graphics across the table or floor to the pile of sticks.
  • Whoever gets their stick bug to the pile of sticks first gets to write a word on the -ick word list.
  • After a few rounds of play, have fun reading your -ick word list together.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
