Popcorn Pops a Lot

Children will read and write words with a short-o sound such as pot, pop, drop, hot, stop, and box.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- slot
- pot
- drop
- pop
- box
- not
- Books: Popcorn by Alex Moran, Popcorn by Frank Asch or any book about popcorn (optional)
- Pot with paper ‘lid’ with a slot cut in the top (see photo below)
- Popcorn seeds
- ‘Popped’ popcorn in the pot (or little crumpled pieces of white paper to be pretend popped popcorn)
- Foldable popcorn box*
- Let's Pop Pop-corn text*
- Hop to a Pop-corn Shop text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children they will be reading and using words with the short-o sound as they hop and make popcorn.
Literacy Activities
Read books about popcorn
- Read book(s) aloud to children.
- Ask questions to assess understanding
- Help children find short-o words in the text and write them down.
Read the texts
- Read the text Let’s Pop Pop-corn with the children.
- Read the text together again, fading support as appropriate.
- Please note that the “o” in the word “corn” does not have the short-o sound. Teach this word specifically, or read it yourself while reading the text with the children.
- Repeat with the text Hop to a Pop-corn Shop.
Make and talk about popcorn
- Let the children read and follow the instructions in Let’s Pop Pop-corn:
- Drop popcorn seeds in the slot in the pot.
- Pretend to pop pop-corn in a pot.
- Have the children hop back ‘home’ with popped popcorn.
- Repeat with Hop to a Pop-corn Shop.
- Let the children hop to a pretend “shop” with popcorn seeds in a box.
- Allow children to pretend to pop popcorn.
- Have children put tops on their boxes and hop back with a box of popcorn.
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SEEL Target Texts
Let’s Pop Pop-corn
Let’s pop pop-corn.
We can pop it in a pot.
We’ve got a pot with a slot in the top.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
Put a top on the pop-corn pot.
Let the pot get hot.
Do not touch the pot.
The pot is hot!
We can pop it in a pot.
We’ve got a pot with a slot in the top.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
Put a top on the pop-corn pot.
Let the pot get hot.
Do not touch the pot.
The pot is hot!
Pop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
See the popcorn pop and hop.
The popcorn pops a lot.
The pop-corn pops out of the pot!
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not pop lots and lots of pop-corn.
Do not hop out of the pot.
See the popcorn pop and hop.
The popcorn pops a lot.
The pop-corn pops out of the pot!
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not pop lots and lots of pop-corn.
Do not hop out of the pot.
Put a top on the pot.
Hop to a Pop-corn Shop
Let’s hop to a shop that pops pop-corn.
Drop pop-corn seeds in a box.
Put a top on the box.
Do not let the pop-corn hop out.
Stop at the shop.
Drop the pop-corn in a slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
When the pot gets hot, the pop-corn pops and hops.
See the pop-corn pop and hop.
Pop-corn hops out of the pot.
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not hop out of the pot!
Drop pop-corn seeds in a box.
Put a top on the box.
Do not let the pop-corn hop out.
Stop at the shop.
Drop the pop-corn in a slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
When the pot gets hot, the pop-corn pops and hops.
See the pop-corn pop and hop.
Pop-corn hops out of the pot.
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not hop out of the pot!
Drop the pop-corn in a box.
Put a top on the pop-corn box.
Hop out of the shop with a box of pop-corn.
Put a top on the pop-corn box.
Hop out of the shop with a box of pop-corn.
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Popcorn Pops a Lot