Drips and Drops on Pip

Drips and Drops on Pip
Target text


Read and write short-vowel words. 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • drip
  • fit
  • fill
  • can
  • drop
  • slip


  • Water dropper or straw
  • Mouse graphic*
  • Bed graphic* 
  • Water drops graphic*
  • Pip Gets Wet with Drips and Drops target text*
  • Pip Gets Wet readers’ theater*

Items included below*

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will act out a story about Pip and read and write short vowel words. 
Literacy Activities 
Read a text about getting wet

  • Engage the children in reading the Pip Gets Wet with Drips and Drops text, fading support. 
  • Let the children pretend to be in bed as rain drips down, or use a stuffed animal or graphic of a mouse in a pretend bed.

Engage the children in a reader’s theater

  • Assign several children to take turns being the Pip character and the narrator, or let several narrators and several Pip characters read the text simultaneously 
  • Display the readers’ theater text and read it together with the children

Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds

  • With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
    • dripdropslop, sliptip, fitfill
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SEEL Target Texts

Pip Gets Wet with Drips and Drops

Pip is a mouse.
Pip is in bed.
But it is raining.
Drip. Drop. Drip.
Plip. Plop. Plip.
The bed gets wet.
Pip gets wet.
Pip gets a cup.
The drips and drops fill the cup.
Pip gets a pot.
The drips and drops fill the pot.
Pip gets a pan.
The drips and drops go in the pan.
But all the drips and drops do not fit in the pan.
Pip went to get a can.
The pan got full of drips and drops.
Pip got a hat.
The hat got full of drips and drops.
And the drips and drops kept falling.
The tub got full of drips and drops.
The drips and drops did not stop.
Drips and drops got on Pip.
Pip got wet.
Drip, drip, drip.
The drops did not stop.
But then the drops did stop.
And Pip got to get back in bed.

Reader’s theater: Pip Gets Wet

Pip got in bed.
Pip went to bed.  
It began to rain. Oh, no!
A drip and a drop fell on the bed.
Drops went plip plop on the bed.
Pip got up to get a cup.
Pip, the mouse
A cup will do the trick.
The drips and drops will fill up the cup.
Pip went back to bed.
But he felt wet drops.
The drips and drops still fell on his bed.
Drip.  Drop.
Pip, the mouse
Oh no! More drips and drops!
Pip ran to get a pan.
Pip, the mouse
This pan will do the trick.
He put the pan on the bed.
And he went back to bed.
The drips went in the pan.
The pan got full of wet, wet drops.
The drips did not fit in the pan.
Pip went to get a big pot.
Pip, the mouse
The pot will do the trick.
I’ll get back in bed.
Oh no!  more drips and drops.
Drip. Drop.
Plip plop!
The drips will not stop.
The pot is full.
The pan is full.
The cup is full.
Pip, the mouse
I will get a can.
The drips and drops can fill the can.
But the wet drops still fell.
The wet drops filled the can.
Pip, the mouse
I will get a glass.
The drops can go in the glass 
The drips and drops can fit in the glass.
But the drips and drops went plip and plop in the glass.
The drops filled up the glass. 
Pip, the mouse
I’ll get a hat.
I’ll let the drops fill up the hat.
All the drips and drops kept up.
The drips and drops filled up the hat.
Pip, the mouse
What can I use to get the drips and drops and plips and plops?
Oh, no!  What can I do?
But then Pip saw that the sun was up.
The rain had stopped.
No drips or plops.
No plips or drops.
Pip got to go back to bed.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
