Lots of Drips and Drops
Read and write words that end in -ot, -op, and -ip.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dot
- lot
- drip
- drop
- spot
- paint
- water
- cups or pots
- Cotton swabs, paint brushes, or sticks
- Let’s Make Lots of Dots and Spots text*
- Word blending cards*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will drip and drop paint to make dots and spots on paper and read and write words that end in -op, -ot, and -ip, such as drip, drop, and dot.
Literacy Activities
Read target words in a text
- Read Let’s Make Lots of Dots and Spots text (see below) with the children, fading support as appropriate
- Have the children underline the short-o words and circle short-i words
Make art with lots of dots and spots and drips and drops
- Show the children how to make dots and spots
- Dip a cotton swab or stick into paint and/or water and let it drip onto paper
- Paint spots using paint brushes
- Let the children drip drops of water and paint spots on paper
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds –ot, -op, -ip
- With word blending cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
- top → tip, hop → hip, drip → drop, spot → dot, hop → top, tip → hip, cot → cop, hip → hop
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SEEL Target Texts
Let’s Make Lots of Dots and Spots
Dip a stick or Q-tip in paint.
Dip a stick or Q-tip in water.
Let the drips drop.
Let the drops drip.
Drip. Drop.
Make a spot.
Make a dot.
Make lots of dots and spots.
Drop and drip.
Drip and drop.
Tip the paper to drip.
Make drips and drops and spots and dots.
Dip a stick or Q-tip in water.
Let the drips drop.
Let the drops drip.
Drip. Drop.
Make a spot.
Make a dot.
Make lots of dots and spots.
Drop and drip.
Drip and drop.
Tip the paper to drip.
Make drips and drops and spots and dots.
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Lots of Drips and Drops