sip a bit from a cap

Sip a Bit from a Cap

Sip a Bit from a Cap
Target text


Read and write short vowel words.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • get
  • bit
  • big
  • cap
  • cup
  • drink


  • Bottle caps
  • Water
  • Name tags*
  • A Little Bit of a Sip target text*
  • Get a Bit of a Sip or a Big Drink target text*

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will get a sip to drink and read and write short vowel words such as get, let, sip, can, and drink.

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

  • Show the children the words:  tip, sip, get, let, can, drink, bit, big.
  • Read the target words with the children.
  • Read the A Little Bit of a Sip target text and the Get a Bit of a Sip or a Big Drink target text (see below) with the children. 

Make name tags

  • Give each child a blank name tag (see below).
  • Let the children label the name tags kid, cat, and dog.
  • If the children pick the tag that says ‘kid’, let them pretend to take a sip of a drink like a kid.
  • If the children wear a tag that says ‘dog’ or ‘cat’, let them pretend to lap up water 

Let kids get a bit of a drink

  • Give the children a cap or a cup.
  • Ask if the children want to get a little sip from a cap or if they want a big sip from a cup.
  • Let the children take little sips from the caps and big sips from the cups.
  • Make comments such as “Get a big drink from a cup!” and “Cats can drink little sips from a cap.”

Write sentences using target words and phrases

Tell the children to write short sentences about taking a bit of a sip or a big sip from a cup or cap .

  • I’ll let you get a ___ (drink).
  • Take a drink from a ____ (cap).
  • Let the cat get a ____ (sip).
  • Do you want a ____ (big) drink?
  • You can get a big drink from a ___ (cup).
  • Did you get a sip from a ___ (cap)?
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SEEL Target Texts

A Little Bit of a Sip

Want just a little drink?
I’ll let you get a drink.
You can take a sip.
You can take a sip from a cap.
You get just a little bit of a sip from a cap.  

Let a cat get a sip.
Let him get a sip of a drink from a cap.
It is just a little bit of a drink.

Get a Bit of a Sip or a Big Drink

Want a little bit of a drink?
You can get a little bit of a drink from a cap.
But, do you want a big drink?
You can get a big drink from a cup.

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.