Let Leaves Land

Let Leaves Land
Target text


Recognize and produce the /l/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /l/, such as land and leaves.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • land
  • leaf
  • large
  • loose
  • little
  • leaves


  • Real large and little leaves or paper leaves*
  • Large piece of green butcher paper 
  • Large piece of blue butcher paper

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will let leaves loose as they listen for words that begin with the /l/ sound, such as leaves, lake, lawn, and land

Literacy Activities
Let large and little leaves fall

  • Place the green butcher paper on the floor in an open area, cut the blue butcher paper in the shape of a lake, and put it close to the green paper. 
  • Have the children sit in a group by the green and blue paper and pretend that the green paper is a lawn and the blue paper is a lake.
  • Tell the children that lawn and lake each begin with the /l/ sound and have them say the words—emphasizing the /l/ sound (e.g., /l/, /l/, /l/ lake). 
  • Invite the children to listen for words with the /l/ sound during the activity.
  • Choose a few children to let lots of leaves loose by tossing the real or paper leaves into the air over the lake, the lawn, and the other children.
  • After the leaves land, discuss the places the leaves landed using lots of words that start with the /l/ sound.
  • Repeat until all of the children have had a turn to let leaves loose.
  • Help the children remember the /l/ sound words they heard during the activity.

Leaping and landing

  • Invite the children to listen for lots of /l/ words as they do more activities with the leaves.
    • Have the children line up the leaves that landed on the lawn and leap over them, leaping as high as they can. 
    • Let the children compare how and where large and little leaves land by allowing them to drop a large leaf and little leaf separately. 
    • Invite the children to examine how dropping leaves from different heights (i.e., high, lower, then lowest) affects how and where they fall.
  • Help the children remember words that start with the /l/ sound from the activities.

More Practice
 Tongue twisters with the /l/ sound 

  • Help the children make up and say tongue twisters about leaves, like “Leaping lizards like leaping over leaves.”

Repeat words with the target letter

  • Review the /l/ sound action words from the activity (e.g., lift, lower, lay, land, line up, leap), emphasizing the /l/ sound and having the children echo the words. 
  • Give each child a few leaves and an opportunity to do an /l/ action as they repeat an alliterative /l/ phrase, such as “Let leaves land on the lake.”
  • Have the other children repeat the /l/ alliterative phrase and do the action with their leaves. 
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce the /l/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /l/, such as land and lake


  • Real or paper leaves of different sizes 
  • Small chair or stool 

Activity: Let Leaves Land 

  • Invite your child to listen for words with the /l/ sound, such as large and little, as you play with leaves together.
  • Give your child a small pile of leaves and work together to sort the leaves into two piles: large leaves and little leaves. 
  • Take turns standing on a small chair or stool and letting leaves loose. 
  • As you let the leaves loose, say alliterative phrases describing where the leaves are landing (e.g., “Leaves land on legs.”). 
  • After letting the leaves loose a few times, do /l/ actions with the leaves (e.g., leap over, line up) together and comment using /l/ words.
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