On and Off the Octagon

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- on
- off
- octagon
- octopus
- olives
- omelet
- ostrich
- Octagon
- Word and picture cards
- Octagon puzzle pieces
The children will place pictures on an octagon as they practice saying the /o/ sound in words such as on, off, octagon, and ostrich.
Literacy Activities
Off the octagon
- Place the picture cards on the octagon graphic and explain that an octagon is a shape with eight sides.
- Tell the children that any words that do not start with /o/ will need to come off the octagon.
- Have the children decide whether each picture starts with the /o/ sound.
- If the picture starts with the /o/ sound, have the children say, "On the octagon!" and leave the picture on the octagon.
- If the picture does not start with the /o/ sound, have the children say, "Off the octagon!" and take the picture off the octagon.
- Throughout the activity, emphasize the /o/ sound at the beginning of the words.
- Repeat the game using word cards.
- Have the children underline the letter O in the words, then help them read the words.
On the octagon
- Print the puzzle piece and ostrich graphics, using a double-sided setting so that the paper has the puzzle pieces on one side and the ostrich on the other side.
- Cut out the puzzle pieces and hide them around the room.
- Tell the children that an ostrich is hiding somewhere and there are clues around the room to help find him.
- Have the children find the puzzle pieces and place them on the octagon.
- Let the children name each picture.
- Point out that all the pictures begin with the letter O, which makes the /o/ sound.
- Once the puzzle is assembled, tape the puzzle together and turn it over to discover where the ostrich is hiding.
More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- Have children identify the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words by tapping their head (beginning), shoulders (middle), and toes (end).
- For example: cot = /c/ (tap head) + /o/ (tap shoulders) + /t/ (tap toes).
- Point out that all of the words have the /o/ sound in the middle of the word.
- pot = p + o + t
- lot = l + o + t
- hop = h + o + p
Write the target letter
- Give the children an octagon and have them write the letter O on the octagon while saying the /o/ sound.
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SEEL At Home
Associate the letter O with the short /o/ sound as in on, off, and olive.
- O and non-O pictures
- Octagon graphic
Activity: On the Octagon
- Spread out the O and non-O picture cards on the table.
- Help your child decide whether or not each picture begins with the letter O.
- If the picture begins with the letter O, put it on the octagon.
- If the picture does not begin with the letter O, discard it.
- Emphasize that the letter O makes the /o/ sound
- Have your child write the letter O on the octagon while saying the /o/ sound.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

On and Off the Octagon