Snag a Rag
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with snag (e.g., "Do snag and flag rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with snag.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • rag
  • bag
  • tag
  • snag
  • flag
  • drag


  • Rags
  • Bags
  • Tag pictures*
  • Flag pictures*
  • Tissue or fabric scrap
  • Snag a Rag target text* 

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will play a game called Snag a Rag as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with snag, such as bag, flag, drag, tag, and rag.

Literacy Activities
Race to snag and drag rags

  • Place several rags at the end of an open area and place a bag at the other end.
  • Explain to the children that the words rag and bag rhyme.
  • Have the children form a line and take turns racing to snag (grab) a rag and drag it to the bag.
  • Have all of the children chant "Snag a rag" as each child runs to snag a rag, and then chant "Drag the rag" as the child drags the rag to the bag.

Race to snag and drag tags

  • Place several tags (see below) at the end of an open area and place a bag at the other end, pointing out that the words tag and bag rhyme.
  • Have the children form a line and take turns racing to snag a tag and drag it to the bag.
  • Have all of the children chant, "Snag a tag" as each child runs to snag a tag, and then chant "Drag the tag" as the child drags the tag to the bag.

Race to snag and drag flags

  • Place several flags (see below) at the end of an open area and place a bag at the other end.
  • Explain to the children that we don't drag flags because we respect them, then point out that dragflag, and bag all rhyme.
  • Have the children form a line and take turns racing to snag a flag and bring it to the bag.
  • Have all of the children chant "Snag a flag" as each child runs to snag a flag and the chant "Don't drag the flag" as the child brings a flag to the bag.
  • Help the children think of words from the activities rhyme with snag (e.g., drag, rag, tag, flag).

More Practice
Read a rhyming text

  • Display the Snag a Rag target text (see below) large enough for children to easily see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence. 
  • Allow the children to shadow read by repeating predictable phrases after you read the text to them again.
  • Ask the children which words in the text rhyme with snag.

Produce words that rhyme with snag

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., rag, bag, tag, flag).
  • Give the children a tissue or fabric scrap to use as a rag and let them wag it as they share a word that rhymes with snag (support as needed).
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SEEL Target Texts

Snag a Rag

Race to snag and drag a rag.
Run and snag a rag from a bag.
Drag the rag back to a rag bag.
Snag a rag.
Drag a rag.
Snag and drag a rag to a rag bag. 
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.