Wrap a Cap

Recognize words that rhyme with cap (e.g., "Do cap and wrap rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with cap.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- map
- wrap
- cap
- lap
- tap
- clap
- unwrap
- Bottle caps (at least two per child)
- Various lengths and colors of string or ribbon
- "Wrap a Cap" song
The children will play the "Wrap-a-Cap" game as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with cap, such as wrap, lap, clap, and sap.
Literacy Activities
Wrap a cap
- Have the children sit in a circle with the bottle caps placed in the middle.
- Teach the children the "Wrap a Cap" song.
- Tell the children that when you start clapping they can choose a bottle cap then return to their place in the circle.
- Clap until all the children have a bottle cap.
- Sing the "Wrap a Cap" song together as the children try to wrap their caps with ribbon and put the caps in their laps before the song is over.
- Once the song is over, clap as the children unwrap their caps, return them to the middle, and choose new ones.
- Invite the children to tap their bottle caps on the desk or floor and change "wrap a cap" to "tap a cap" as they sing the song again.
- Clap as the children change bottle caps again, then sing and act out one of the action words (the children will need two bottle caps to act out clap).
- Repeat the activity as many times as desired.
More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with cap
- Remind the children of the words they played with (cap, wrap, clap, tap).
- Give a child a bottle cap to hold in their lap while they think of a word that rhymes with cap (support as needed).
- After he or she thinks of a rhyming word, have the child pass the cap to the next child, and repeat until all of the children have had a turn to say a word that rhymes with cap.
Recognize rhyming words
- Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., cap, wrap).
- Ask the children to show you thumbs up with the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme (support as needed).
- Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., clap, gap; flap, map; tap, cat; nap, sap; trap, flap; snap, truck; strap, zap).
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SEEL Target Texts
Wrap a Cap song
(to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb)
Everybody wrap a cap.
Wrap a cap.
Wrap a cap.
Everybody wrap a cap.
The cap goes in your lap!
Wrap a cap.
Wrap a cap.
Everybody wrap a cap.
The cap goes in your lap!
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with cap.
- Bottle caps
- Ribbon or string (of various colors and lengths)
- "Wrap a Cap" song
Activity: Wrap a Cap
- Have your child teach you the "Wrap a Cap" song, sung to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
- Have each person participating choose a bottle cap and wrap it as you sing the "Wrap a Cap" song together.
- With your child, think of additional action words that rhyme with wrap (e.g., unwrap, tap, clap, flap).
- Insert one of the action words into the "Wrap a Cap" song and sing the song together while doing the action with the bottle cap.
- Repeat with other action words that rhyme with tap, as desired.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Wrap a Cap