A Fat Bat

A Fat Bat
Target text


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with bat.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • bat
  • fat
  • hat 
  • sat
  • flat


  • Balloon
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Black permanent marker

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will play with a fat bat balloon as they recognize words that rhyme with bat, such as fat, hat, sat, and flat.

Literacy Activities 
Play with a balloon bat 

  • Blow up the balloon, draw a bat, and then deflate the balloon again.
  • Read the Fat Bat Story (see below) with the children, following the suggested actions.

Identify target words in text

  • Read through the Fat Bat Story again.
  • Invite the children to flap their arms like a bat whenever they hear a word that rhymes with bat.
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SEEL Target Texts

Fat Bat Story

Say: Suggested Actions:
This bat’s name is Fat Bat, but Fat Bat looks a little flat! Show the children the flat balloon.
Fat Bat can’t fly when he is flat. So he sat and sat and sat. Have the flat balloon sit in your hand.
Fat Bat wanted to change that. One day, he decided to try to fly. Blow up the balloon. As you blow it up, have the children chant, “fat bat, fat bat!”
But Fat Bat wasn’t watching. Fat Bat went splat! Let go of the balloon and let it fly around the room.
He fell flat on a mat. Now, Fat Bat is not fat. Show the children the flat balloon.
Poor Fat Bat. He went splat! Now, Fat Bat is a flat bat! Have the children repeat after you, “Fat Bat is flat!”


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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with bat


  • Fat Bat Story*
  • Balloon 
  • Black marker 

*Items included below

Activity: Fat Bat Story

  • Blow up the balloon, draw a bat on the balloon, and then deflate the balloon again.
  • Read the Fat Bat Story (see below) to your child and do the suggested actions.
  • Read through the story again and encourage your child to flap their arms like a bat whenever they hear a word that rhymes with bat.

Fat Bat Story 

Say: Suggested Actions:
This bat's name is Fat Bat, but Fat Bat looks a little flat! Show the children the flat balloon.
Fat Bat can't fly when he is flat. So he sat and sat and sat. Have the flat balloon sit in your hand.
Fat Bat wanted to change that. One day, he decided to try to fly. Blow up the balloon. As you blow it up, have the children chant, "fat bat, fat bat!"
But Fat Bat wasn't watching. Fat Bat went splat! Let go of the balloon and let it fly around the room. 
He fell flat on a mat. Now, Fat Bat is not fat. Show the children the flat balloon.
Poor Fat Bat. He went splat! Now, Fat Bat is a flat bat! Have the children repeat after you, "Fat Bat is flat!"
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
