Following the “lift where you stand” principle, BYU Education Society board members from across the United States identified needs in their local communities and completed literacy projects to help children and their families. If you would like to connect with a board member to learn more about their project or receive coaching, click here and fill out our brief interest form.
Literacy Fair | Boise, ID
Hosted by Codi Galloway
Codi worked with local businesses and governmental entities to put on a literacy fair for families and her community.
Book Drive | Washington DC
Hosted by Shannon Evans
Shannon worked with her local stake to collect books that were distributed to needy families.
Book Desert Distribution | Charlotte, NC
Hosted by Amanda Cox
Amanda worked with her stake and a local nonprofit to bring books to “book deserts” in her local area.
Little Free Library | Mission Viejo, CA
Hosted by Tuly Huntington
Tuly constructed a free little library near her home for local children to borrow and exchange books.
Community Book Drive | Mesa, AZ
Hosted by Jenny Richardson
Jenny worked with community leaders to provide a literacy emphasis to an annual city-wide event.
Library Fair | Dallas, TX
Hosted by Jennifer Beech