We are your go-to

team for creative projects

The Creative Team consists of student employees who specialize in the creation of products, artifacts and Services designed to support faculty, admin, and staff within the McKay School.

Project Request Form

Please fill this out before contacting us

Project Request Form 


Corinne Mayberry, Supervisor



Services We Provide


Videography and Photography

We produce promotional videos, award recipient videos, podcast recordings, and event photography.

Graphic Design

We design promotional materials for events and create digital assets for marketing, social media, and recruitment purposes.


NOTE: Graphic design and videography projects are for school wide audiences - not a specific class or faculty project. Projects for specific classes can be handled by an Instructional Designer in the IP&T office.


Additional Information

For Video or Photography requests, please provide

  1. Signed media release forms for all individuals filmed that are not part of BYU students, employees, and faculty
  2. Short list requested for photos
  3. Basic storyline/timeline concept to video (can consult with videographers for ideas)
  4. Once Filming days/times are agreed upon, client is responsible for those being filmed and coordinating their schedules
  5. Can ask for 2 editing reviews - unless more are determined by videographer

For requests outside the McKay School, please consider

  1. Requests from outside the McKay school will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis
  2. Project "needed by" date is at least 2 weeks
  3. Timeline to finish project is 2 weeks-1 month. If project will take longer than a month to complete, the request may be denied based on availability
  4. Videos should be no longer than 5 minutes
  5. Generally only 3 interviews or appointments will be included in videos