The student will be able to synthesize the information they gained from creating their cultural snapshots and to share it in a way that others can learn general trends of how different cultural groups are portrayed in the media.
- poster paper
- markers
- students cultural snapshots
Students should form groups based on the cultural group they studied for their cultural snapshot (or assign each group a culture for this activity). Some cultural groups may have only one person. These groups may combine and talk about their individual groups. Each group should discuss trends and patterns they found. Each group will then make a poster to describe the trends from the media.
When students finish, hang the posters around the classroom. Give students a few minutes to walk around and to learn about the other cultural groups and the media messages about them.
Looks Like: Students working in small groups. Students writing their responses on their poster paper with markers. For the stroll, students are walking from one poster to another,reading about other groups.
Sounds Like: Students using their two-inch voices to share what they learned from their research. While walking around, students can whisper quietly the information they notice as they read about other groups.
Feels Like: Students have had a chance to become experts on their cultural group already. They should be able to share freely what they learned and it should be exciting to compare what other students learned from their research.
This activity allows students the comfort of working and synthesizing individual information in a group. Each student has come with the background knowledge and this activity requires that they use their higher-order thinking skills as they synthesize and consolidate their knowledge.
Brainstorm other modifications of this activity. One example is to have student groups read a different book about a given topic and then create a poster for a gallery stroll in order to share a concept from many different angles.