Tina Taylor
Tina Taylor, EdD, is a professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education and associate dean in the David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University. Dr. Taylor's professional interests include family adaptation to children with disabilities and chronic conditions, as well as provision of appropriate services to individuals with disabilities and their families. She is a co-founder of Sibshops of Utah County, collaborating with other organizations to provide this service to siblings of children with special needs. She is a principal investigator of the Family HOPE Project, which investigates family-friendly strategies to help children with developmental disabilities learn appropriate behavior.
Dr. Lynn K. Wilder
Dr. Lynn K. Wilder serves as the program leader for Special Education and Early Childhood Education in the College of Education at Florida Gulf Coast University. She is an experienced special educator who has worked extensively with at-promise children and families. The FGCU College of Education uses the Family Hope Parent Handbook in two courses and runs a continuing education course for parents using the six steps and the Parent Handbook.
Karolyn King-Peery, MS, is the mother of Matthew, who was the
inspiration for this project. For more information about Karolyn's work, see
this report.