Sean Edwards' Story
My older sister, Elaine, is 26 years old and has autism. The only word Elaine can vocalize is "yeah," so she is primarily nonverbal. She has very limited motor abilities and has a hard time walking. She has many behavioral issues including, but not limited to aggression (e.g., pinching, pulling hair, biting, head butting) and self-injury. priceless. She is the example of how one life can change countless others. Chantil is proof that individuals with disabilities do each have a significant purpose in life. And I love her for this.

Crystal Ann Ison's Story
My youngest sister, Jeni, has Down Syndrome. From the day she came home from the hospital, I fell in love with her. I loved playing with her as a baby, and as she grew up we had even more fun. My favorite memories of her are when I would dance around the living room to help her fall asleep. Even now as I am 25 and she is 13, we have fun dancing around the living room to her favorite Disney music. She loves it when I come home from college for the summer, and wants me to sleep in her room the whole summer! She loves to go shopping with me or to just run around our yard. Sure we've had rough moments as she's grown up and had to learn rules of life, but her unbiased love to me is one of the sweetest things in my life.

Dorothy Mitchell's Story
If I could choose, I would take all of the hard times that came along with having Garth as a brother. He has taught me so much and has had a huge impact on who I have become. He taught me how to love. He loves with a pure Christ-like unconditional love. Everyone he meets he says "You my friend?" He is a teacher to all who will let him teach. He is a person worth knowing. Every life that Garth touches is enhanced. He is a joy to have, and I wouldn't have my life any other way.

Stefanie Wall's Story
I am so glad that we have Adam in our family! Although it hasn't always been easy and it's hard to see him struggle at times, I have learned so much about unconditional love, perseverance, and courage from him. He has been the light of our family, and I can't imagine my life without him. Besides, Adam gives the best hugs!