Master’s tracks
You must identify a “track” for your program of emphasis. IP&T students may choose from the following tracks: (a) Research or (b) Design & Development. The requirements and recommended courses for each track are described below. Please study the following recommended course sequences for each track on the following pages. Then, in consultation with your committee, fill out and complete a program of study.
Research Track
The research track is for students considering doctoral degrees and future academic careers. It is designed to provide a strong foundation in research skills, in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, that will prepare a student for a research thesis, journal publication, and future doctoral coursework.
After consulting this recommended sequence, please consult with your committee and fill out a program of study form.
Year 1
Semester | Courses |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer | You should begin thinking about a thesis topic. The IP&T department does not teach courses in the summer; we recommend you take a break. However, if you want to take some credits, consider working on an internship (IP&T 599R) and collaborative research projects with your chair. |
*This course is taught every other year, check catalog offerings
Year 2
Semester | Courses |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer | Graduate! |
*This course is taught every other year, check catalog offerings
Design & Development Track
The Design and Development Track is intended to prepare students for work as an instructional designer, in corporate, government, and higher education settings. Instructional designers typically work in diversely skilled teams of professionals to design and develop learning materials. For example, a common team might consist of: instructional designer, content-matter specialist, project manager, graphic designer, multimedia specialist, developer, and a writer. As a designer, you should develop a skillset that enables you to contribute a specific skill to this team as well as a general ability to understand the other members’ roles so that you can communicate effectively.
As IP&T faculty, we propose that D&D students complete what we call the “Studio” sequence. Year 1 consists of establishing a foundation, while year 2 engages students in a year-long collaborative design & development project where you work in a diverse team on a real-world project for a local client.
After reviewing this recommended sequence, please consult with your committee chair and fill out a program of study form.
Year 1
Semester | Courses |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring | IP&T 510, Scholarly Writing and Argumentation (3 credits) |
Summer | You should begin thinking about project. The IP&T department does not teach courses in the summer; we recommend you take a break. If you would like to continue school, consider a directed independent study (693R) or collaborating with a professor on research. |
Year 2
Semester | Courses |
Fall |
Winter | IP&T 599R, Faculty-mentored internship completing the project that was started in 664 (3 credits) IP&T 698R — Master’s Project (3 credits) |
Spring | IP&T 698R — Project (3 credits) |
Summer | Graduate! |