Under the direction of the classroom teacher:
1. Teach the desired behavior:
- Specifically and explicitly teach the behavior expectation and have group practice the behavior
- Give positive feedback and use precision commands to correct undesired behavior
2. Students choose the reinforcer (reward)
- Give them a list of rewards that are appropriate, use non-monetary rewards
3. Make it visual
- Chart progress visually (stickers on a chart, marble jar, yes/no cards, marks on board)

The student can earn a piece of a puzzle and when the puzzle is completed, they can receive a reward – such as the puzzle glued together and placed in a picture frame.

Use charts or maps to help students track the many times they do things correctly (especially behavior). Draw a smiley face, or give smiley stickers. Use numbers on the map or chart with very young children to help them as they learn to count.

Give students a 3 x 5 card that has the name of the child on it. Carry a single-hole punch with you and give students a single-punch on the card when they accomplish a task. Students count the holds in the card to earn a reward.

Place a large glass jar in a classroom location where it can be easily viewed by the pupils. Drop a marble into the jar when a pupil or pupils perform the requested tasks. This works well for group contingencies. (Group contingencies: a reward that is dependent upon the behavior of the whole group.) With the teacher’s approval, the pupils could earn extra computer time, or extra recess time.