1. Learning How to Use SEEL
    There are 5 principles central to SEEL instruction. It is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with them.
  2. SEEL in different contexts
  3. Organizing SEEL in the classroom 
    It pays to be organized! A bit of planning before the school year begins will enable you to implement SEEL more smoothly throughout the school year. Although SEEL can be used in whichever way you desire, a suggested plan has been provided here.
    1. Plan order of targets
  4. Identify or create Activity Plans to teach each target or write own Activity Plans. If possible, integrate Activity Plans with rest of curriculum.
  5. Identify resources needed for chosen Activity Plan and create a master list.
  6. Decide which resources you'd like parents to donate and create a list. Include dates at least 2 weeks before each resource is needed.
  7. Provide bins for parents to place donated items and a checklist for parents to check them off.
  8. Organize resources into separate bins for each target/groups of targets as desired.
  9. Involving Parents
    We believe that involving parents in a child's education is important. Following is a suggested means of involving parents in SEEL, both in and out of the classroom.
    1. Introduce parents to SEEL at the earliest opportunity, with an informational pamphlet and an invitation to a beginning of the year family SEEL carnival.
    2. Hold a family SEEL Carnival
      • Give parents and students a flavor of SEEL.
      • Create a sense of community amongst parents and teachers.
    3. Hold a SEEL parent meeting.

      • Teach parents to use SEEL at home.
      • Invite parents to volunteer in the classroom.

      If resources are available, provide a babysitting service during this meeting to maximize the number of parents able to attend.

      • Suggested format of parent meeting:
        • PowerPoint presentation
        • Volunteer sign-up sheet
    4. Hold a parent volunteer training meeting.
      • Inform parents who have volunteered to lead class center activities of their responsibilities and give tips on working with small groups of students in the classroom.
      • Inform parents who have volunteered to create materials for center and home activities of their responsibilities.
    5. Train parents in the classroom.
      • Train parents to work with small groups of students in the classroom.
    6. Organize Friday Folders/Home Activities
      • Give students extra exposure and individualized support for targets.
      • Involve parents in their child's education.

Questions? Comments? Send an email to seel@byu.edu