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Arts Leadership Academy is a series of professional development workshops to develop teachers who can integrate the arts in their classroom to improve student learning. Teachers are encouraged to share their ideas with their colleagues and advocate for the arts in their schools.
Teachers develop personal skills, pedagogical skills, integration skills as well as advocacy skills in the arts. The course includes dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts. Teachers are encouraged to work with their principal and colleagues to build an arts friendly culture in their school. The most successful schools create a School Arts Team comprised of teachers, parents, and administration to coordinate arts events and instruction in the school.
This program is available to schools within the BYU Public School Partnership districts. Registration is available in the spring of each year to participate.
Alpine District: Dave Jackman - djackman@alpinedistrict.org
Bob Smith - robertsmith@alpinedistrict.org
Jordan District: Linda Gold - linda.gold@jordandistrict.org
Nebo District: Karen Kidd - karen.kidd@nebo.edu
Provo District: Chris Roberts - chrisr@provo.edu
Wasatch District: Heather Thaxton - heather.thaxton@wasatch.edu